Beer Bird Time... YUMMY!!!

in #food6 years ago

beer bird.jpg

It has been another GORGEOUS Winters day here in Cape Town. A little windy, but nonetheless a perfect night for a beer chicken... which if you are obliviously unaware - is the TASTIEST chicken you will EVER make! No jokes!!!

Essentially you stick the chicken on top of an open can of beer and cook it just like that. I normally add a little bit of extra to that in terms of garlic, herbs etc. into the beer itself but simply coating the chicken with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, chicken spice and popping it onto the open beer will suffice.

Normally we would do this over coals on the weber, but it is still a bit too chilly to be outside once the sun disappears so I am just doing it in the oven. It already smells absolutely AMAZEBALLS!!!!


Hope you all have a super duper day/evening ahead!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Gotta love a beer-can chicken!!!
... just as long as you make sure to drink the beer before you shove it up the chicken... a full/half-full beer literally does nothing for/to the chicken.

Science backs me on this one... but just to make sure, I did a little test (and one of the judges was from the company that makes the beercan chicken stand) ... check it out here:

Anyway.. with or without a full beer the method results in serious yummy chicken... and now I want one too :P

P.S. Here's a !BEER for you though for the one you lost on the chicken ;-)

hahahaha brilliant! Actually, I normally pour out 1/2 of the beer and stuff the can with garlic, rosemary, thyme and whatever other herbs grab my fancy on that particular day... so for me, the liquid - no matter what it is - with the aroma infused steam it creates on the inside of the bird, is what sets it apart.

On a separate note, the moisture factor without question makes a difference and in a manner of speaking, the empty can fits this bill too... because it would generate it's own juices from the chicken dripping - evaporation and condensation 'n all that stuff... omg I sound like a school teacher LOL...

Either way, the moisture content is a win win and I guess, the beer can adds the fun! :D I drink wine anyway so who cares hahahahaha!!!

Re the steam/aromas/moisture ... we could argue forever that it actually makes little or no difference, and IF (a big IF) it does, it's gonna affect such a small piece of the chicken.

The only way to settle this is in person, but unfortunately I don't have any CPT plans in the near future... so unless you're up here in GP any time soon, you'll just have to believe in fairy tales for a while o_O

I drink wine anyway so who cares hahahahaha!!!

hahahaha... touché... Next time I'll do a recipe that "wastes" wine :P ... and no more beer tokens for you

.... hmmmmm, that has me thinking... we could/should do a PHC WINE token


it's gonna affect such a small piece of the chicken.

All I care about is the pope's nose anyway :D

As for the fairy tales, I mostly live in la la land as it is, so it's all good haha!!!

As for the plans... one should definitely be made, but more for the enjoyment en kak praat only! :)

Would love to have some of that chicken

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haha sorry - all gone :)

Looks delicious!!
But... do you cook that standing up?????

Yep shove that bad boy on an open fire and have it it, lol we’ll Braai anything if you give us enough fire wood

Still puzzles, though... Won't the legs be burned before the top side is ready?

Will keep it in mind, though... got to try it some time

It certainly is! And yes, just like you see it.

Beer Chicken is the best literally sent this post to my friend now who always does it lol seems there’s going to be a Braai next weekend in store for me!

hahahaha you won't hear any arguments from me on that one ;) Enjoy the braai when you get there :)

This chicken looks good, i believe it came out very good and juicy :)

It most certainly did :)

Then I must have it also :))

Looks delicious!

It sure was :D thanks!

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hahaha ooooo indeed :D

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