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RE: How to Celebrate World Chocolate Day if You Don't Eat Sugar

in #food7 years ago

I have been living like this for about 2 years now... except leaning more towards the cutting of carbs as that is my weakness, not sugar as much. It is a game changer. I have lost all my excess weight and i never get ill ( although i attribute that more to the amount of wine i drink... lol... my boys tell me i am pickled!! ) hahaha.

Well done and good luck going forward in your journey. It is a lifestlye change thats for sure. 😎👌👊👍


Wow! That's amazing that you've changed your lifestyle like that. I do feel that since I stopped eating sugary foods I don't have as many energy slumps in the day. And I no longer feel like I can't cope without sugar.
Thanks for reading :)