How to: Make the best Iced Coffee at home!

in #food9 years ago (edited)

This year I got rid of my old drip coffee-maker and bought a pourer coffee system made by Hario. The V60. This has completely changed the way I feel about my coffee. It used to be something I drank but it was never anything special. Using this pour-over method, the coffee is delicious and tasty, lacking the bitter acidity I always thought was a normal part of coffee. 

Here you can see the necessary tools that I use. On the left is my Hario Coffee Grinder.  I know it's a hand grinder but I went with this model because it's so much less expensive than a good electric burr grinder. Whatever grinder you go with, make sure it is a true burr grinder.  In the middle is the Hario V60 and Range Server sitting on top of my kitchen scale. On the right is my Bonita water kettle with the gooseneck spout, making it much easier to be precise with the water flow. 

One of the favorite ways I enjoy this coffee, especially in the afternoon, is utilizing the Flash Brew method to make delicious Iced Coffee. The flavor of this is so unique because within one second of the brewing water going through the grounds, it hits the ice cubes below, locking in the flavor. 

Start by measuring your coffee beans into your coffee grinder. The beans I use call for about  15-1 water to coffee bean ratio. This varies depending on the coffee and preferred outcome. 

Fold the filter as shown, place it into the Hario dripper, and make sure you use boiling water to rinse out the filter before using it. 


Measure your ice into  the server underneath. You want to replace about half the normal amount of water with ice. I probably err a little more towards a third. 


I use the Intelligentsia iPhone app for my timer as I brew the coffee. 


Start pouring your boiling water over the grinds in the filter! 


When you've poured the call for amount of water and it stops dripping onto the ice below, pour into your favorite mug and enjoy! 




Oh man. Why in the world are half of my photos sideways when they weren't taken or posted like that? My apologies folks!

you have a very good photos, good luck..)