Kale Chips = Ready in 10 Minutes + Superfood Snack+ Prevent Most Diseases!

in #food7 years ago


Is reducing the risk for cancer, heart attack, and stroke as easy as eating a few kale chips every day? According to the books How Not To Die and Whole, eating mostly whole plant foods such as unprocessed fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains combined with an hour of exercise, an active low stress lifestyle, and minimizing intake of that which contributes to disease, we can expect to reduce our risk for all of the top 15 causes of death and life lives with less pain and more pleasure!

I eat and live this way today and see that the key to making it work is making practicing this lifestyle easy and fun! What helps is to have lots of snack foods and easy to make fruit and vegetable snacks like kale chips to ensure the full amount of vegetable intake which tends to be the most challenging for me. Today would you join us in reading my newest adventure in making kale chips because most of us struggle to eat vegetables while this post shows an easy way to do it?

We start with a bag of kale which is less than $5 and produces enough for 3 to 4 full trays of kale chips.


Check out the nutrition label!


To begin, we set the stove to 350 Fahrenheit or about 180 Celsius.


Next, rinse the kale leaves and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil or a substitute that will help the chips become crispy in the oven and taste good.


I like the Japanese seven spice from Publix for a spicy flavor without salt!


Add garlic powder for more flavor!


Finish it with more garlic and herb without any salt and get ready for my breath!


After several failed attempts, I find this airbake tray helps a lot to allow the kale to cook evenly without burning because a thicker pan makes it too easy to burn on the bottom and not be done on the top.


Dump the kale out of the strainer onto the tray.


Invite children to join in on the nutrition and the fun cooking!


Slide into the oven.


Set a timer for about 7 minutes and make sure cook just to crispy without burning. After a few times making these I now get them right consistently after initially both undercooking and burning.


Take them out of the oven when most are crispy and a few are still a little soft to avoid burning. Leave in a minute too long and a bunch may burn.


Eat directly off the serving tray immediately for the best experience!


Promoting healthy eating with my daughter is fairly easy when she hangs out me making kale chips and eating other fruits and vegetables!


Thank you for reading this and I hope if you try the kale chips you enjoy them as much as I do!

Jerry Banfield

There are 3 pages

love you my dear sir

Looks yummy. I will for sure try this. Hope the Kids will so as well...

I guess I need to continue and keep on eating kale.
I like it like salad.
Keep on steemit.

Its very amazing sir @jerrybanfield

Jerry, I am so glad to see you promoting healthy food. You radiate good health , look at your skin :) MashaAllah.
I will definitely try those kale chips/crisps :)

True. It is so important to eat healthy and it's important to teach it to kids by exposing them to healthy food choices early instead of always giving them junk foods and candy. It really makes a difference in our health and too many people don't get that. Healthy eating can also aid in healing and prevention of diseases.

Yes, that is true. All diseases can be cured by eating healthy foods.

We need to get rid of GMOs, artificial food adjectives, artificial chemicals, and artificial chemical based medicines.

We only need pure and healthy food to live healthy and happy lives :)

Yes, they eat healthy and their face glow is showing this fact!!!

And kids love to eat healthy, too, most of the time.

They look delicious. I need to get some of the Japanese seven spice I think...

@aishaali thank you for noticing!

Vegan power! :D

i am glad to see the baby really enjoying with you love to see her n that good mood muahhhhhhhhhh

great baby, for sure

thanks brother i really got appreciated

Just can't get my inner slacker to go for it........ Did see some regular chips on the shelf at the store made from/with kale but still can't take that step....

@jerrybanfield I will have to try making some of these after you showing us how. This is the First time I have commented on one of your postings in 2018 I believe. Keep on STEEMing Jerry !

@stokjockey happy New Year!

Thank You Jerry and Happy New Year to you and your Family. I Love You Man and what you do to make STEEMIT the BEST in the World !

@jerrybanfield Great and yummy recipe. I have tried some homemade kale chips, and I strongly recommend them. Super healthy and surprisingly delicious ! Wishing you a fantastic 2018!

Agreed. Super healthy. And health can be seen in the eyes.

Very good composition from text and pictures. It was fun to read it. Espically when you are also interessted in such diets!
I'll kepp me on track with your articels :)

OMG I LOVE Kale Chips.. Have to tryyour seasoning ideas though.. I tend to stick to some grated Parmesan (or for vegans nutritional yeast provides a similar flavour) We grow bucket loads of the stuff so its the only way we can use what we don't put in salads or give away!

say hello to the little girl

She is girl :P

i know

I've never actually tried Kale Chips before. I'm all about healthy eating and these sound great! I will definitely try these out soon.

The sooner the better.

Nice! We make these all the time too and posted a recipe on steem a few months back :) My favorite is seeing my 3 year old polish a bowl in 5 min. Try balsamic, olive oil, salt and Parmesan next time you make a batch. It's insanely good.


Yes! Thank you for showing that kids can enjoy kale chips too! I was over at my buddy Chris' house during the holidays, and was surprised/extremely stoked that his 4 year old was munching on homemade kale chips! I had some as well and they were awesome. Vegan 4 life, keep doing your thing and spreading the plant based way of life!

Vegan for life is better than Super Size Me. Great.

Sold. I can't find a good way of like kale but this just might work

Thats amazing! Usually kids dislike vegetables and you have to enter a big war to make them eat it. This sweet girl looks like a health conscious person and it is a good habit :)
I never tried kale chips before, so I will try them out. Thank you for sharing :)

Some kids like vegetables and fruits and some maybe not so much. It is mostly a choice some children make but we can try our best to give them fun experiences and memories to help them not associate healthy food with anything too yucky or scary or bad or weird or anything too painful or whatever.

Better watch what we eat to avoid seeing the doctor much. Nice read @jerrybanfield :)

an apple a day keeps the doctor away

I might try the same on my Big Green Egg. They will crisp up the same, but it should add a hint of smoke.

I can't decide whether the smoky flavour would be a positive or a negative. Only one way to try.

Beside making great videos for the platform of steemit, it seems like you can start to move into the role of a health ambassador. Good sharing about how to eat right without neglecting great taste. If your son likes it, I am sure it is definitely great taste!

agreed, he could be the President of Health

It's awesome to see how you are able to get your kid to be so excited about making healthy foods. @jerrybanfield

i love all post my friend

Most people undervalue their health and sacrifice it to earn money. This is a great way to pass information to authors who want to earn and get information to stay healthy! Keep it up! Happy new year Jerry.

I’ve made multiple different kinds of seasoned kale chips and they are awesome, my family and I make easily over 3lbs of kale weekly in our garden and mostly make kale chips out of them, way healthier then potato chips

top jerry super recipe i hope there will be more, i have to try it right now:-)

I will definitely try those kale chips/crisps :)

I make my kale chips in a dehydrator. I make a "vegan raw cheese sauce" using nutritional yeast, cashews and a few other ingredients. I will post a recipe soon. It's my favorite way of making kale chips. Thanks for sharing your post.

cool info, I am sure it's super healthy for kids

my brother's kids LOOOVe it (niece and nephews )

hey Jerry , nice work
you were the reason i'm here, i'm so thankful.

that's a good recipe man.....love it
hope everybody will enjoy this.

Absolutely, kale is snacksy!


Who wouldn't like to eat this kind of food. If we eat food as drugs, we will not need to eat drugs as food.

This year I plan on being much nicer to my meat-suit. Perhaps I will eat some kale chips soon...

Looks easy! Cheers Jerry!

In first two pics, i thought he is junior jerry.
But on the end you mention she is your daughter haha.
By the way, she is so cute.

wow i love this, thanks for sharing this awesome information to fellow steemians

Nice post tanx fot sharing
Please visit and upvote ma post tank u

Jerry what inspired you to join #veganlife?

Looks like you are having some fun family time together with your daughter.
She really looks like she is enjoying kale chips.

It's so important to teach our kids eating healthy.
Thanks for sharing your recipe @jerrybanfield

A diet rich in alkaline foods promotes a healthy lifestyle. Glad you are promoting kale for its healthy and tasty benefits.

This article is helpful and nice.
Please check out my post you might just like em

This is perfect eating healthy and teaching children that delicious is

Wow, it looks that I gonna live 100 years old for that... Yummy... Thanks for sharing

Very nice illustration.thanks for giving us this @jerrybanfield

Very nice son n father

This is very good for our health, I will definitely try this. Thank you for sharing. :)

always and forever

Kale also contain other nutrients such as riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin E. It’s also low in calories

Only reading this already makes me hungry. I'm really gonna try this. I love vegetables and I like chips so this seems to beautifully to be true! :)

10 minutes to make, 20 seconds to consume. My only problem with kale chips is that they don't last very long.

enjoy the moment while it lasts

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