They’re Back 🤤 I’m in trouble

in #food7 years ago

I’m not much of a sweets type of guy but when these hit the stores I just can’t resist.


If you have never tried these, I highly recommend you just walk past them in the isle of your store. Because next thing you know you will be like me and buy 3 frickin boxes!!


So keep your distance from these evil Oreos. I believe there is a warning label on them that states, highly addictive - serving size 1 BOX. Muahahaha


The guilt is often times overwhelming. 😜😜
Yet it is so worth it. Lol


I'm enjoying it vicariously through your pics! Had to physically drag myself away from it because I'm still recovering from thanksgiving

Trust me just step away and stay away. Evil is at work in these ones. Muahahaha

Ugh.. Why'd you have to post kosher food loot? I guess these are getting added to my grocery list.

OH ya get them while they are available. 😉 limited time only. I’m stopping and grabbing a few more boxes to stock up. Well they probably won’t last long. I gotta fight my kids for them. Shhh I have a box stashed away for when they go to bed. 😜

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