The Globalist Teflon Nonstick Cookware Scam - It's So Toxic It Will Kill Birds! What Is It Doing To You & Who Profits?

in #food7 years ago (edited)

I have always been suspicious of non stick cookware coated in teflon. It always gets scratched and I hate the thought of ingesting the teflon and other chemicals. The truth is that teflon is dangerous for us and the court documents show us.

Why then sit it still so widely used and produced around the world. When we look at the effects of teflon consumption and who profits we are left with distressing conclusions! Who is responsible for all this and why is teflon still being sold?

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Teflon, hmmmm.... 🤔

It seems ridiculous to me that for aeons humans have cooked without teflon and then through an obvious marketing campaign teflon is now sold to us as a cooking tool. However I don't wish to denigrate it completely.

Teflon pans are cheap and sometimes the only options in small villages. They also have a few limited applications where they might be used sparingly like cooking cheese or eggs. However I am not a fan and have never been.

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Follow The Money.... Who Owns Teflon?

As usual it always behooves us to take a step back from our personal experience and look at who created and profited from teflon. Who made all the money? Perhaps it will give us some insight into why it's so prevalent in our cookware and diet!

Teflon is one of the most slippery substances known to man and its development was the result of an accident at a DuPont factory. There seems to be some splitting of revenues but at the bottom of it was DuPont.

It is no coincidence that teflon is so prevalent in our world. With revenues of over $25 billion in 2015 DuPont is very much a company tied to the globalist agenda.

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Teflon More Poisonous Than You Thought!

Not only is teflon prevalent in every part of the world but it sticks around for ever. It is claimed that teflon particles have been found in dolphins and polar bears. Apparently it is inside every American even new born babies. DuPont was fined by the US EPA $16.5 million for covering up decades worth of studies which showed that teflon could cause health problems such as cancer, birth defects, and liver damage.

Cancer? Birth defects? Liver damage? These are all just sad euphemisms for death - lets call it what it is! 😡

Although this $16.5 million fine was the largest in the EPA's history at the time it pails in comparison to an early death and a revenues of $25 billion! Nobody went to jail for this and although they trumpeted the fine as a landmark amount it really amounts to nothing more than a slap on the wrist for DuPont.

Their company should have been shut down and those responsible for covering the facts up (lying) should be put in prison!

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The Canary In The Coal Mine!

When coal mining was less mechanized miners used to take canaries caged in little boxes down with them into the mines. The reason for this was that miners had trouble monitoring the quality of the air in the mines. If the canary died then the miners knew they had to get out of the mine. These were sacrificial birds to save human lives.

Teflon cookware has been shown to be extremely toxic to birds because of the gas they release. They kill birds. What then are we in this cooking scenario? The sacrificed or the saved?

There are two clear results as to why Teflon is so prevalent in our cookware today:

  1. It creates enormous profits for the likes of DuPont by selling this product in cookware worldwide!
  2. It has health impacts on the people who use it, making them sick, lowering reproduction and killing people!

These are the two most obvious outcomes of teflon in cookware. What group of people demand profits and believe the world should be depopulated to get rid of us useless eaters? Oh yes... the globalists eugenics movement!

In my mind there is no denying the connection but I will let you decide for yourselves. However I suggest that it is always wise to look into the impacts your cookware is having on you and your loved ones. There is a lot of research out there.

I do not want to be a caged bird and I do not own any nonstick Teflon pans myself! 😉

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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DuPont has a history of shady business and sacrificing health over profits. If you think Teflon is bad, wait until you read up on the history of this terrible company that puts it right up there alongside Monsanto and Bayer, in-fact I would argue they're in a league of their own as one of the worse companies to ever exist.

I actually went through a period a while ago where I was writing a thought-piece on DuPont and there is a tonne to write about with this shady company. I never did finish what I was writing, but I did a lot of research into this company.

DuPont was the largest producer of war supplies in World War II (many incorrectly believe it was Monsanto, but it was DuPont). You know that horrendous atomic bomb that killed and affected generation upon generations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? DuPont helped build them and during WWII they produced approximately 4.5 billion pounds of explosives for the US military.

War profiting aside (because what large companies didn't profit from WWII?) in 1999 DuPont became the largest seed company and producer of GMO corn and soy. Once again, people assume Monsanto has the monopoly on GMO seeds, but DuPont is right up there (seeds and pesticides).

Back to Teflon. The reason it's so toxic is due to the chemical Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) or known by it's less scary name C8 used in the production of Teflon actually build up in your body over time and can have serious long-term effects, capable of being passed from mother to baby. It's scary stuff, legitimately scary.

They have done studies on workers in DuPont manufacturing plants where Teflon is produced and the concentration of C8 found in workers bodies was extremely high. And even though C8 is acknowledged as carcinogenic, there still is no safe exposure level defined for this chemical (ideally zero is the safe level).

You can't beat a good old-fashioned cast iron pan and some oil or butter to stop food sticking to it. I am not sure at what point we decided Teflon was the best option, but many people I know who use Teflon pans end up having to use butter or oil anyway when cooking because Teflon pans stay non-stick for about the first two or three times you use them, then they lose their non-stick ability.

There is a reason you never see a professional chef in some of the higher end kitchens (especially Michelin rated restaurants) using Teflon pans, it's always high-quality cast iron pants.

The only good thing that DuPont ever did was create Kevlar.

I will confess to believe that Teflon non-stick lasts, but alas it was all marketing tricks 😡