50% of food stamp recipients are the working poor

in #food7 years ago (edited)

A journey through forgotten America. From food stamps to Medicaid, the government helps the needy in many ways–but we’re still debating whether that’s a good idea.
Why Do People Get So Upset When The Government Helps The Poor?

While we agree on the principles, when it comes to the government delivering these benefits, they become polarizing and stigmatizing. Why?

Freeloaders. Welfare Queens. Abuse. Fraud. Working the system. And most of all, lazy and irresponsible. Whatever you call it, there has been a steady drumbeat of stories and misinformation that overstates and stereotypes the negative elements of government programs that help others, and understates the fact that these programs, by and large, help people.
Yet when the government gives tax cuts to the rich, there are no complaints from the mainstream media owned by the rich.
But when the goverment gives financial help to desparately poor people, there is a firestorm of complaints from the same two-faced lying mainstream media owned by the rich.
Disgusting double standards to say the least!