Good friends. Today I want to share with you a delicious recipe for the little ones in the houses. A Mango Comporta Very simple and easy to prepare.
Mango Juice
3 Tablespoons of Maizena
Previously you must prepare the mango juice and sweeten it to your liking
1st He passed.
Pour the mango juice into a pot over medium heat, stir slowly until it is boiling.
2nd. He passed.
Then in a small cup place two (2) fingers of water and add the two spoons of cornstarch and stir with a whisk until there are no lumps.
3rd He passed.
Place the cornstarch in the hot juice pot and move slowly over medium heat to avoid lumps.
** 4th. He passed.**
When you see it thicken and boil off, if you feel very thick add a little more juice.
** 5th. He passed.**
Serve in a cup, glasses or glass and let cool.
This compote can be made with any type of fruit and do it in the same procedure. It is a delicious dessert and food for the little ones of the house, very easy and economical.
Photograph taken from Sky 5.0 LW by my person @jonelescalona
I love this delicious recipe, I love Mangoes ... For those who do not know Maizena, it is also called Cornstarch