Good write up. But I think you made it more complicated, then it actually is. Everything bought in a store has a shelf life because it has preservatives. If they claim that they don't, then there is going to be hydrogenized agent mixed in.
Nutrition is on the same level as religion. It doesnt matter what the argument is, people will not deviate from their beliefs.
Bottom line is this, if you buy it from the store, it was made to endure a lengthy packaging and delivery time, with a shelf life. If you werent there to cultivate the food that you are going to purchase, then you dont have any idea of the process it took for that product to be sold.
Yes, this is definitely a grey area. Many times preservatives are an innocuous as an excess of salt, which many people are wary of, but does not pose a particular health risk when used in moderation. There are other items that have been pumped full of preservatives to last years when they should only rightfully last for weeks. These are the things that I'm especially wary of.
good commnt :)
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It is not complicated, it is exactly as you have said it. Chemicals in form of preservatives are added to packaged foods to extend shelflife. These chemicals in large quantities pose a threat to the body system. So reduce your intake of packaged foods...
Upvoted....Good reply!!