Eating so much quality every morning!

in #food7 years ago

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1.Harts are good

Multiple studies have found that when eating regular eggs, the levels of beneficial cholesterol levels in the body begin to grow. There is no risk of heart damage.

2. Improvement of vision is achieved

Several useful ingredients, called antioxidants, lutein and gyxesanthin, in the egg play an important role in improving eye sight. This reduces the risk of cataracts.

3. Increase the power

The energy needed to start the day. Egg should be boiled during the day. It will be seen that fatigue will be removed only, along with the performance will increase. At present, healthy fat and other nutritious ingredients present in the egg fill the needs of the body's energy needs.

4. The shortage of finished material is eliminated

When the body starts eating one egg each day, the needs of protein and vitamin supplements within the body, along with phosphorus, selenium, calcium and zinc deficiency are also removed. It does not take time to increase the body performance.

5. Easy solution

In the morning breakfast, take two egg yolks or poultry to see what happens! You will not get the name of getting hungry before noon.

6. Meet Protein's demand

A type of protein named Albumin plays an important role in the formation of muscles. Therefore, it is important to eat eggs in the morning as well as increase the internal strength of the body as well as increase the energy.