Remember the first time you ever had a Starbucks Green Tea Frappucino? What if I told you I have the secret for a much better one?
I started researching the health benefits of the main ingredient for this drink: matcha green tea powder. It's so much better for you than coffee that it'll blow your mind and help you kickstart your morning as if you were strapped to a rocket launcher!
According to my sources here ...
Matcha powder does all this:
- Gives you 3-4 hours of energy instead of a quick high with a crash like coffee
- Has the amino acid L-Theanine that helps you focus better without getting jittery like you do on coffee
- Packs a punch of super-high levels of anti-oxidants that even help fight cancer
- Gives you some extra vitamin A & C
And did I mention no coffee breath or stained teeth afterward?
So now, without further ado, let's jump into my new original recipe for making a much sweeter, fantastic version that I call...
The Hawaiian Peter Pan
(Because it makes you feel like you can fly.)
I've broken the ingredients down per glass so that you can get the proportions just right no matter what size glass you use. You must add the ingredients in this order to get the mix just right. Ingredients shown for one serving:
Per glass:
- Fill with ice until glass is 1/2 full.
- Add one scoop coconut-milk based ice cream, like the Coconut Dream brand is my favorite for vegans. But if you really wanted, you could add plain vanilla ice cream instead.
- Add vanilla-flavored rice milk until glass is 3/4 full
- Put in 1 tbsp. organic green matcha tea powder
- Add 1/2 banana (or one small banana) sliced
- Pinch nutmeg
- 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper powder
- 2 tbsp. Honey
Now blend, baby, blend!
And before I go, I haven't forgotten that I promised you a Bob Marley inspired drink. Here's a super healthy electrolyte booster for when you're really dehydrated and exhausted from that long day. After all, why else do you think Bob Marley loved drinking coconuts -- one of nature's best superfoods?
To make my Marley Cooler:
Fill glass or glasses of the servings you want with ice.
Then pour chilled coconut water into glasses until 3/4 full.
Add the juice of one lemon per glass
Add 2 tbsp. fresh mint leaves per glass
Add 2 tbsp. honey per glass.
Blend & serve with an orange wedge on the glass if you like an extra citrus burst of flavor.
Thanks to @sweetsssj for her inspiration to delve into the world of matcha! Follow her for awesome tropical travel logs.
P.S. If you missed my last awesome smoothie creation, check out my Mango/Pomo Tango recipe here.
Well done @joylovestowrite! These are great recipes.
Thanks for stopping by to check them out. Please let me know about your latest smoothie creations in your vitamix too.
I actually preferred your Bob Marley's coconut rather than the Hawaiian Peter Pan, as I am actually keeping my sugar marker low from any re-occurrence of my health challenge.
You can read it from my latest post
My Health Chronicles: Shrink 1 Inch Waistline A Week!
I definitely will look into the Marley Cooler minus off the honey as Coconuts in Malaysia actually is quite sweet, and to have that extra umph of freshness of lemon and mint, I think this is going to be my upcoming Christmas punch!
upvoted and resteemed for you!
Thanks! You're right about the different coconut flavors and the sweetener. In India, coconuts are only barely sweet and taste more "watery." In Thailand and Malaysia, coconut water tastes so sweet it's like divine nectar from Heaven! When I was there, I would just drink like 4 coconuts for breakfast and could've sworn that someone was secretly adding sugar to the coconut trees somehow - they were so good!
Now my curiosity is peaked...must go check out your latest health chronicle. Thanks again for stopping by!
But I think it also depends on the breed.Oh I think the sweetest is from the Philippines @joylovestowrite. ;)
Ooh.. I haven't tried Philippine coconuts yet! Must put it on the bucket list now. Someone from the Philippines told me that the people there are really outgoing and friendly too. I'd love to check it out, but just not during the heavy monsoon season or tropical-storm seasons.
I had Thai coconuts in Chiang Man and Koh Pangan - whatever breed that is truly rocks!
It would be really awesome when one day you get to visit there and we can all have a steemit international meetup there. haha.I have not been to Philippines myself @joylovestowrite , but in Malaysia there is important coconut, so we get to try it here.
Yeah, we can call it the Steemit coconut convention! 😂
Thanks! I hope you can make one soon. Let me know how it tastes or if you added anything else fun to it -- you could always add chocolate syrup to the Hawaiian Peter Pan if you're feeling adventurous.