Udon noodles: recipe Asian soup

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Udon - a thick and quite rubbery Japanese noodles made from wheat flour. It is widely available in restaurants in Japan and is served in different variations of hot and cold recipes.

Due to its neutral taste, the Udon is great for heavily spiced, colorful dishes.

People in Japan eat Udon noodles as a rule, in hot soup with slices of thinly sliced chicken, beef or fish and also vegetables. In fact, there is a restaurants located directly at the railway stations where people are in a hurry just buy a box with you, or eat all on the spot. Here's a delicious and easy Asian fast food.

Try to cook Udon at home, you can use any meat and vegetables you can find in the fridge and discover how in a matter of minutes get a fast and delicious meal, perfect for lunch or dinner.

Using this basic recipe Udon with vegetables, you can make many variations of interesting dishes with an Asian twist.

Begin to cook a good bowl of soup today. That'll warm you up!

500 g of poultry (chicken or Turkey) in our soup recipe Udon we took as a basis the Turkey (thigh without bones), cooked rich broth.
400 g Udon Noodles used dry Udon firms Takemura
4-5 tbsp Soy EMS preferably Japanese liquid sauce
1 piece Root ginger root should be fresh, with a size of 5-6 cm in length
2-3 tbsp sesame Oil you can use any vegetable, but any flavor of the noodles will give it sesame
400 g mini Corn on the cob, frozen
3 PCs bell peppers small
1 PC. Onion, preferably red or white – it has a strong bitter ordinary turnips
1/2 Lemon, we need juice we need his juice
3 cloves of Garlic
to taste Spices: pepper chili, black dots, one star anise, some coriander seeds
bunch of Fresh herbs to supply any vegetable zelenushka: dill, used parsley, and especially good sharp types of salad (mustard, arugula, watercress)

Udon noodles: recipe Asian soup. Recipe
Prepare the ingredients as the dish Udon is cooked very quickly over high heat, we need all of the above ingredients in most prepared: all vegetables should be washed and sliced. Peppers, meat and onions recipe cut into strips, ginger and garlic – small pieces. Corn on the cob put out to thaw.
Prepare the broth the Turkey cut into thin strips and ¼ of the broth cooking recipe: put in a saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of water, throw a bit of onion, put on fire.
Add the corn cobs as soon As the meat turns white and POPs up, add mini corn on the cob, cover and cook until tender (15-20 minutes).
Fry the ginger, Meanwhile, in a saucepan pour the sesame oil, and while it's not much burn omit the finely chopped ginger and garlic, quickly fry on high heat.
Spread the Turkey as soon As the garlic will become Golden brown (but not burnt!), put the Turkey fry and methodically until she give the moisture and turn white.
Add the peppers Throws in a total weight pepper, cut into strips, stir and at the same pace fry.
Plug-in bow Latest in our Asian cocktail add finely chopped onions. If you are using it soft varieties (red, white), then roast them practically is not necessary, just warm.
Pour spices on Top pour the spices and pour soy sauce and lemon juice, stir actively for 1 minute.
The soup is ready, Combine the roasted vegetables in the pot with the broth (by this time he must be completely ready), taste, pepper, to taste potseluem. The soup is ready.
Cook Udon Now all over the noodles. From different manufacturers Udon, slightly different cooking instructions and time for cooking. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions and boil in accordance with the prescription of the manufacturer. Sprinkle cooked noodles with oil, so it will not stick together.
Udon with vegetables and meat ready to Combine with entire soup noodles not worth it, so she's gonna fall apart, turn to mush. She usually laid in a deep dish, and the top is already filled with soup Udon, sprinkle with fresh herbs. All dinner's ready, let's eat!

Bon appetit

author unknown
source link: http://domgurmana.com/lapsha-udon-recept-aziatskogo-supa