Right Food At the Right Time

in #food8 years ago


What is food?

Defined as any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.

Are you aware that some food can bring good or harm to our body if not consumed at the right time?

Did you know that there are best and worst time to eat certain foods?

Here are some facts you can nibble :


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Best Time to Drink (Night)
Worst Time to Drink (Day)
Warm milk soothes the body and helps in getting a good night's sleep
Unless followed by lots of physical activity, milk can be heavy to digest and mess with your meal timings

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Best Time to Eat (Evening)
Worst Time to Eat (Morning/Noon/Night)
Walnuts contain a number of beneficial compounds such as omega -3 fats and antioxidants. They have been proven to help in improving the brain
Eating walnuts during these times might reduce its effectiveness

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Best Time to Eat (Morning)
Worst Time to Eat (Evening/Night)
Apple peel has the fiber pectin that helps in the bowel movement and prevents constipation. Moreover, it also eliminates carcinogen
Apples organic acids will increase the acid levels in your stomach leading to discomfort. Moreover pectin to will burden your digestive system at night

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Best Time to Eat (Day)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
Assists in digestion and soothes the digestive system
If you're prone to cold and cough, it'll head to mucus formation

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Best Time to Eat (Lunch)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
Metabolism is higher during the day, giving you ample chance to use up the carbohydrates
It will just increase your body fat

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Best Time to Eat (Noon)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
Highly fibrous, bananas helps in digestion. Moreover bananas work as natural antacid and soothe heartburn
Eating banana at night can lead to mucus formation and cold. Eating it on an empty stomach can upset the stomach since it is a rich source of magnesium.

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Best Time to Eat (Noon)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
Meat is a hard food to digest. It is high in protein. Meat helps in gaining physical strength and improves concentration levels if consumed during the daytime
Since it is high in protein. meat might weigh heavyon your digestive system and give you uncomfortable night.

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Best Time to Eat (Early Morning)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
For vegetarians, cheese is an excellent substitute for meat. If eaten in moderation, it can prevent weight gain and bloating.
Being heavy to digest, it can lead to indigestion and fat again.

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Best Time to Eat (Morning)
Worst Time to Eat (Night)
Our body insulin is more effective in fighting sugar in the morning. Besides, the chances of you burning throughout the day via your daily activity is much higher.
Sugar will not only increase your body fat, It'll also send your digestive system into a tizzy leading to uncomfortable sleep.

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Awareness can be such a great thing! Be sure to take care of your body! Be as healthy as you can be!