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RE: Miss. Delicious #68 : Poseidon's Table - A restaurant worthy of Gods!

in #food7 years ago

Wow, Poseidon's Table you mean...A true mouth watering experience for me going through this post...As usual, you are awesome...
love this line.s from you...quote
"My expeditions as Miss. Delicious takes us deep into his place of banquet. Poseidon's Table, a place that delivers both the quantity and quality of food, only worthy of a powerful deity. Dining here is a privilege, one bestowed upon us by right of abode in the heart of Atlantis...
This got me day dreaming as someone who loves quality & quantity from good always tickle my fancy!

Very mouthwatering arrays of the Seasoned Vegetables and Kimchi & the Sushi Bar has stuffs that is causing me to salivate! . For the Pizza section, can one really make own pizza? If so, i have learnt quite some tricks on Steem food blog which i can use and lure @sweetsssj ;) also the Mediterranean foods are quite yummiscious!
"Poseidon's table is an eatery of epic proportions" is a truism...I have been really entertained with your post and wonderful photography along with great narratives...

As a dedicated follower and admirer of your posst, i shall adhere to your advice and garnish it more following your recommendation of fasting an entire day or take it further to 3 days of only water before attempting to conquer poseidon table !
Upvoted, following as always and yes, left my comment awaiting your delicious response from the lost city...Atlantis!
Keep steeming hot Miss delicious...


Wow what a really detailed reply ken thank you! I tried to write this food blog a little differently because after all it is quite related to Poseidon which itself is a very interesting part of Greek Mythology - something that i'm also very interested in.

As for the food, well, aside from the sheer quantity and range, I have to say it's not failing to impress in terms of quality either. I never really enjoyed buffet's before because they are usually quite poor quality, but this was really something else and I believe you can't find any better in Atlantis or even Nassau (don't quote me on that).

Thanks for taking my advice, but remember to be healthy and don't starve!!

well, since you have advised on the contrary...i shall heed your advice as always and do a semi fast before hitting Poseidon table... thanks for the timely reply...If i may ask, did you majored in Tourism... You report your experiences like someone well bred in the field of tourism and photography winning lots of admirers and even members drawing your portraits...2 days ago, another nice lady/stemian apart from @andrianna that you resteemed her work drew your portrait been that you motivates her and i commented how you look quite like my best character "Pocahontas" in her art work... You may not know but you are touching lives positively by your posts taking away boredom and giving other steemians like me a style & aesthetic scenery worthy of emulation...Keep steeming hot my lady from the lost city!

thank you ken, I'm so flattered by all your lovely compliments and comments. I actually studied Marketing for undergraduate, and then international business management for masters. Nothing to do with tourism. But, i've always loved travelling and my family has encouraged me to keep travelling and discover the world.

Oh yes I also remember that drawing it was seriously good, really really brilliant and of course I'm very grateful for her work. I'm glad I can help people see the world through my lens, I am certain many people will learn a lot and do it for themselves one day if not already.

Thanks again ken

Always welcome. You did your masters in international business mgt. Little wonder you are doing great in the business aspect of Steemit better than me that did my masters in Human Resource Management ;) Seems your choice of course makes you smarter or is it that ladies are always smarter than guys That reminds me...will publish a post because of you proving that women brains are smarter than that of men....check my blog update tomorrow for the another older short story of family versus office ...your informed comments shall be appreciated...
Keep Steeming my hottest Stemian!