Things you should know about salt.

in #food9 years ago (edited)

Once more precious than gold, now used everywhere in the world.
Here are couple interesting facts about salt.
Sea salt is one of those things without which the TV chefs currently almost can not do without pushing it wherever possible. But sea salt not only different taste from the stone, is not only twice since the more expensive, it's still ... is extremely unhealthy.
The resulting from the evaporation of salt water contains not only all the possible contaminants that swim in the waters around the globe, but scientists have found it even shards of plastic - the real curse of our civilization.  

11 gold for less than half a kg? It's pretty typical price so. kosher salt, which is next tomfoolery Jewish marketing. Kosher salt overpaying for it, saying politely, a great deal of naivety. The concept of kosher salt took in fact not from any special procedures for the acquisition of its (almost every salt is in accordance with Halacha), and from using it for kosher meat, or removing a blood that could be considered kosher. For this purpose as well it may be any most ordinary salt - at least one zloty rock per kg.  

If you just intend to marry a Turk, you should be careful ... a cup of coffee. Valid in Turkey habit, according to which the future bride add surreptitiously salt maker groom. If the positive test passes, i.e. drink a beverage without curvature, it means that the candidate is suitable for her husband. The good side is that if one takes into account the taste and the power of a typical Turkish coffee, even a tablespoon of salt should not longer be particularly harmful. However, it should be prepared.  


Sometime ago I broke out in Poland scandal adding so. road salt to food products - although in reality one is no different from the other outside the official stamp. Nevertheless, we succeeded a little harm Polish manufacturers. Meanwhile, in Canada, noted another relationship - for salting roads to melt ice and snow, in addition to the salt is also suitable beet juice. Since then, in many Canadian cities in the streets, knocking pretty tasty blend, in addition healthier for the environment than the brine.

Black olives do not exist - that is there, but have nothing to do with those called "black" buy in stores. Broken timely olives remain green and retain their distinctive by many popular taste. Olives, which alone  to blackness, would become bitter and hard - not acceptable to consumers. Therefore, green olives colors all by means of a few weeks soaking in brine. It was then, under the influence of oxidation, become black.  

Potato chips were invented by accident - although others might come to the conclusion that pure malice. New York chef George Crum repeatedly met with customer complaints, complaining that their fries are too soggy.Hearing another such complaint, seized in anger potato, sliced ​​it into the thinnest slices of what they could and threw it into the deep oil to  almost completely hard. The whole sprinkled with plenty of salt and sent to the customer along with - as you can guess - wishes a slow agonizing death. But the accidental invention of space gained recognition and began its ongoing today worldwide career.