
Interesting. Thanks korpo! I think the Nederlands is more awesome. What do you think of Vlaams language by the way?

There is very little difference, only accent. I think Vlaams is more kind to the ears. Their sarcastic humor sounds like a friendly kind of humor in the Netherlands. I live in Rotterdam, that's another kind of misusing the Dutch language. As well as in Vlaanderen as in the Netherlands we both call it "Nederlands".

I see, so Dutch people are less kind lol.
I'm asking because some of my profs are from the Nederlands and I couldn't always understand their Dutch.

We are very kind to be honest :) more direct I would say. Our speech is more "macho-like" then Vlaams. Do you know which city your profs live?

I think Dutch ppl are more straightforward in many ways. I think he's from the North but he lives in Venice lol

Good one! I lived there for a year in Antwerpen and this is a perfect way to think of life there. You never know where people will be from or what language they will be most comfortable in. And I had only my English!

In the Netherlands and Vlaanderen English is usually not a problem :) Almost a second native language. (speaking for myself also)