Butternut Squash Soup

in #food7 years ago

Hey Steemit!

So soups. Some people love them, some don't. Even though I don't make those often sometimes I feel like having some. Today, I'd like to share a butternut squash recipe with y'all. And once again it was my very first attempt making it AND trying one. To tell you the truth, it turned out pretty good, and given the chance I'd cook it again.
My soup didn't turn out as creamy as you would expect it to be, I either should have blended it a little longer or had more chicken broth added to it, nonetheless I enjoyed it.


  • 1 kg butternut squash;
  • 1 leek (discard the greens);
  • 1 small onion;
  • a couple clothes of garlic;
  • a couple tb. spoons sour cream for serving;
  • your favorite nuts and/or seeds for garnish;
  • 1 liter chicken broth;
  • spices: nutmeg, black pepper, thyme, salt, bay leaf to taste.


Wash and peel the butternut squash, chop it, cut the onion in half. Preheat your oven to 375F and place the veggies on your baking shit, sprinkle them with your cooking oil and roast for about 20 minutes or until they get soft. You can also roast the garlic cloves, but I'd recommend to add them a little later so they don't burn.

In the meantime you can work on chopping up the leeks and getting your spices ready.

Move the leeks in your saucepan and cook them until they get golden brown. Add in the roasted vegetables and chicken broth. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15 more minutes over a medium/low heat. Add in your seasonings.
Puree the mixture in your blender or food processor, if the one you have isn't very big, work in batches.


By the way, I renamed Artax to Arctica today, I think she likes the new name ^^


Soups are one of the best recipe for winter ... And vegetable soups are good for taste as well as for a good health... your selection for today is unique, tasty and healthy... Our friend Artax new name "Arctica" is good ... where are the other two friends Lanika and fota??? and please continue your kitty Sunday series for our updates about our three friends..... Have a great time @kotturinn ....


Thank you, thank you :). I haven't really been taking pictures of cats recently, it got colder over here and they don't spend as much time outside anymore, all they do now is just . . . sleep haha. I should be able to think of something though :)

тыкву ненавижу, но тут кажется вкусняха)

Я тоже терпеть не могу, но, как ни странно, этот суп оказался очень даже ничего. Также тыквенный пирог можно сказать даже вкусно, если отправить в него филадельфию, орехи и побольше пряностей, а раньше тоже ненавидела все тыквенное хаха.

умение сделать из г..а конфетку приходит с годами)))

creativeness at its best

You are too nice :D

its all abour passion on cooking, good recipe.


really good arrangements.. super recipe.like it..

Thank you :)

MMM it's Look Delicious , it's look like same of our foods in morocco called " harira " ^^ you Will Find it at my post with other Delicious Foods .. Geat Photographie :)

Thank you, I will check your version of this soup out!

seems a buttternut is cool

It's alright haha

I love pumpkin, if it is creamier, I invite you to visit my blog, regards

Thanks, I will gladly check it out!

Wow!!! it looks lovely............//////////

Thank you :)

Delicious soup.

pumpkin soup is very tasty! A good recipe! Well done

Thanks, I thought it was good too haha