Hi dear steemians !!!
Good day,
How’s your lunch today? Have you ever heard about green papaya for lunch? It’s normal in restaurant even at home we eat papaya as fruit after meal, yes the ripe one of course.
But, today I’m going to share with you about the green papaya cook as a dish with simple ingredients such as:
- Cooking Oil (minyak masak)
- Garlic (bawang putih)
- Red onion (bawang merah)
- Blend chili (chili boh/kisar)
- Fresh prawn (udang segar)
- Green papaya (betik yang masih hijau)
- Seasonings - salt, ajinomoto & sugar (bahan perisa – garam, ajinomoto & gula)
Prepare ingredients as follows (Sediakan bahan-bahan seperti berikut):
Take the green papaya from your back yard and then peel off the skin (ambil buah betik yang masih hijau dan kupas kulitnya)
Cut the green papaya as you like (betik dipotong mengikut selera anda)
Slice the garlic (hiris bawang putih)
Slice the red onion (hiris bawang merah)
1 spoon blend chili (1 sudu chili boh/kisar)
Cut fresh prawn (Potong udang segar)
Cooking steps as follows (cara memasak seperti berikut):
Heat cooking oil then saute garlic & red onion (Panaskan minyak masak lalu tumis bawang putih & bawang merah)
Put blend chili (Masukkan chili boh/kisar)
Put fresh prawn (Masukkan Udang Segar)
Put the green papaya & then pour some water (Masukkan betik & sedikit air)
Put seasoning & let it cook till tender (Taruh perisa secukupnya & biarkan masak sehingga betik jadi lembut)
Ready to eat (sedia untuk dimakan)
Lets try!!! (ayo cobain ya!!!)
Good tips!
Thanks @nickychu...
Looks very good bro..
thanks bro @dilresh...