Hey everyone!
Now, it isn't news that baking is a hobby of mine, but because of my study a few years ago and other life events I kind of forgot how much joy it brings me to bake and create things. I guess adult life caught up with me... Especially over the last couple of months, I've been trying to figure out what I want and need in life and how I'll be able to get closer to those needs. I'm aware that this possibly could be a lifelong search, but I think a good place to start is doing the things you already know you enjoy. For me, that's baking and making things look pretty.

Indulging content
Last year I've been baking like a mad woman. You can take that quite literally, lol. I've been consuming lots of baking videos, photographs, websites, and social media accounts to find recipes, tips, inspiration, and so on. I don't like to do things with little care, so to create something tasty and good-looking, I need enough knowledge and inspiration. Luckily, you can find ANYthing on the World Wide Web nowadays, so that makes it a whole lot easier.
But besides knowledge, baking is also about experience and experimenting. You can't expect to be a good baker immediately. It truly is a trial and error thing, because every 'room temperature' is different, every oven works differently, every egg varies in size, etc. When I decided to bake a layered cake for the first time, I thought it would be a piece of cake (pun intended). I have baked many cakes before, so I was fairly certain that I'd pull that off. But working with buttercream is something completely different. I was humbled immediately. A layered cake also needs a lot more decorating than a cheesecake, so that was quite the experience as well. I've still got a lot to learn and I'm not even close to a real baker, but it is fun to see the progress I'm making.
The festive baker
From when I was around fifteen years old, it has been the tradition that I was the one who baked everyone in my own family their birthday cake. Usually, it was just a simple apple pie or a 'Monchoutaart' (the Dutch version of a no-bake cheesecake). But now I've gotten more serious about baking, family members and in-laws are asking me more frequently to bake something for special occasions. Which is already awesome in itself, but they're even willing to pay me for it. That's something I can't get used to because I'm already flattered that they trust me enough to bake for a special day anyway.
Anyhow, my sister-in-law asked me to bake a carrot cake for my niece and nephew their 2nd birthday party. They're twins and they are the cutest kids ever! I didn't even have to think about it twice when she asked me. She told me the twins are into Peter Rabbit and that she had bought some cake toppers of Peter and his friends. She kindly asked me if I was able to create something around Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit because it would be something recognizable for the kids. And so I did. Fresh flowers, blueberries, meringue, chopped nuts, and in the center Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit.

Rabbit & Friends
My sister-in-law invited around 25 people to the birthday party and since one layered cake is enough for approximately sixteen people, I suggested to bake a few carrot cake cupcakes as well. I thought it would be nice if the design of the cupcakes would be a little more modest, but still in the same style of the cake. She also bought mini cake toppers to put on top of the cupcakes. Look how cute they look! I'm very pleased with how they turned out.

I was invited to the party as well and I got a bit anxious about the number of people that were going to attend the party. I don't like to socialize, especially not when it involves people I don't or hardly know. Besides that, I always get a little awkward when I'm there when the cake gets served, haha. But luckily, both the cake and cupcakes turned out great, and as far as I've heard everyone enjoyed it very much.
Is there something you've gotten better in over time? Or are you currently invested in a specific subject or hobby? I'd love to hear so!
Lots of love,
Dymph what a sweet theme Hihi love Peter rabbit and carrot cake is appreciated by many. And the eatable flowers you went all in theme well done
Aww thank you so much! Haha, I know right? Even as an adult I'd be over the moon if anyone got me a Peter Rabbit themed cake for my birthday🤭