I know u have upvoting my posts Sweetie and I am very grateful. Unfortunetely, I can't set up autovote again becase of FAV. But you know I do my best to give upvote, comment and resteem to my friends when ever I can.
I am very curious about this suprise u will be sharing. I hope soon! ๐ธ๐๐ธ
Oh we all know this @lenasveganliving :) You're so kind and generous to your friends :) I know what you mean about the autovote, in a way it's easier and in a way you have to manage it to make sure you have enough room to use your vote manually. I take care when it comes to vegan wednesday too since I like to make sure I can give every entry my vote. You'll always have my full support. Hopefully it'll keep growing ;)