When Life Gives You Rotten Apples You Make.....

in #food8 years ago


I had gotten behind on the apple picking this year. I've ridden my denial of the piles of fruit as long as it will go. It is time to handle it. I picked up all the super nasty apples and brought them to the compost, and all of the bruised ones to the kitchen while avoiding wasps. I chopped out all the bad parts and took some of the apples and to bake and some for apple sauce.


I baked some with honey, cinnamon, coconut flakes and coconut oil.


Served with vanilla ice cream, Yum!


Then some was destined for the crockpot for some delicious applesauce.



I took a cup of the applesauce and made these energy bars with them, great for hiking and exploring!



I will do a post on the dehydrator and recipes. They are wonderful!


And now my tree is happy and clean.
Thanks for reading! If you like this post, lets be friends and follow me!

And remember when life gives you rotten apples, get busy!


good job

Great post.I like what you do with the apples :)

Thank you very much @karja! I'm glad you liked it. Its a fun challenge to see how many different things you can make out old apples.

yummy! I need to raid my neighbors pear tree!

Ohhh, I love pears! So good dehydrated.

Yep! We get bags of "deer apples" around here for our big applesauce-making in the fall. I've had other people go through the bags with me and be really taken aback by having to take off bad parts of the apple to the point where they're ready to just get rid of perfectly good apples because there's a big bruise or a moldy spot that needs to be cut off. To me it's like a gold mine because you can get so much good apple out of what looks at first like a bad one.

Its true! We need to get over out food aversions as a culture. There is so much food that gets thrown out because its not "perfect". You don't notice it when you eat it, and the extra work is fine because it's free. It also feels good to make something good out of waste. Its a gold mine to me too, funny its all how you look at things. Thank you so much for stopping by! Nice to know another deer apple applesauce maker!

You're welcome - hey, those deer apples are too good to waste. We also go shopping at a local store that often sells off food right on top of it's expiration date and sometimes past it. There is a lot of food that's perfectly fine for a very long time after it supposedly expires, though my husband did find out the hard way that mayonnaise is actually not one of them. We have these comical discussions where I say, "Hey, if it's a box a graham crackers we'd know if they'd gone bad but mayonnaise...maybe not so much." And he says, "Well, it looks fine and smells fine. I think we'll be okay."

He's been more cautious since the mayo incident. So have I.

I really like those stores, we need more of them. I have had a few lessons with food as well, you live you learn. Thanks for the share, its nice to hear from people who are trying to use some of the waste as well. Cheers!

What is the old saying? Never look a gift horse in the mouth! Good on ya! 🐓🐓

Thank you @mother3chicks! Hope the summer is treating you sweetly.

Back at ya! Thanks for stopping by🐓🐓

You're ahead of us. Reading this is making me impatient... mine aren't much bigger than marbles yet :-(

Soon, and you too will have piles of fruit! We have one apple that hasn't started yet, the two apples like to take turns for us, very thoughtful trees. This apple is the earliest in the valley. Thanks for reading @elaine54.

Yes, and the day before they ripen the trees will be full of hungry chicken, lol. Every year I threaten to clip their wings before apple harvest time...

I read the best way to raise chickens is free range with a tree, I bet you have very happy birds.

Your homestead is wonderful! I can't wait till my apple trees are of age. I am also waiting on a pear tree and some paw paws to start bearing as well. I'm living vicariously through others at the moment.

Thank you @mamadini! I am so honored to inspire you on your little trees, the post I'm doing next was inspired by something you said in a comment. So sounds like we are at a good start of a friendship sister lady.

Indeed! I look forward to your post and photos and all the great interactions -- learning and sharing is part of the gold in life.

hehehe, I love "sister lady".. and agree. :)