With so many new people taking up gardening, which is amazing, I thought they could use some help. I wish someone would have told me about this the first year I was gardening. Lessons in life passed on.
I wish I had the help from the beginning stages of my gardening. My grandparents were avid gardens but lived too far away, so we did alot of consulting over the phone. I just believe in sharing the wealth of knowledge.
That is wonderful news. I love like minded folks from all over the globe. Difficult to compare notes with someone in the Japan as the climate is different. Any question please feel free anytime. Happy Homesteading
Word of advice, do not order fruit bushes or fruit tree's from a catalogue or online, try to get from local nursery or family, friends in your community, as this way they have already thrived and survived your climate and soil base so you know it is established and will do well.
With so many new people taking up gardening, which is amazing, I thought they could use some help. I wish someone would have told me about this the first year I was gardening. Lessons in life passed on.
Thanks for posting this. I really do think people could use some help gardening.
I wish I had the help from the beginning stages of my gardening. My grandparents were avid gardens but lived too far away, so we did alot of consulting over the phone. I just believe in sharing the wealth of knowledge.
We are starting up a homestead and need a lot of help
That is wonderful news. I love like minded folks from all over the globe. Difficult to compare notes with someone in the Japan as the climate is different. Any question please feel free anytime. Happy Homesteading
Word of advice, do not order fruit bushes or fruit tree's from a catalogue or online, try to get from local nursery or family, friends in your community, as this way they have already thrived and survived your climate and soil base so you know it is established and will do well.
We always try to buy local
good stuff keep posting
Thank you