Food must be seen - the smell of the Niuzhuang pie(吃货必看--香飘四溢的牛庄馅饼)

in #food7 years ago (edited)

The most famous of the haicheng pies is the haicheng Niuzhuang pie, because the skin of the pie is thin, filling is big and not greasy. It is characterized by the use of cold water to mix flour, so the pie crust is more elastic.


The origin of the Niuzhuang pie was in the 1920s, but it really became local and was widely known in the 1970s. In the history of the development of Niuzhuang pie, there is a person, he not only reformed the original pie with alum soaked flour , and its exquisite craftsmanship make Niuzhuang pie brands sell across the country, According to the old people of Niuzhuang town, the pie outside was tender and not greasy, and the skin was as thin as two pieces of paper, and when you came to it, you could see the scallions in the pie. There were a lot of meetings in Niuzhuang,and the delegates and leaders all named Gao xiaoshan's pie. It spread around quickly from person to person. and the Niuzhuang pie goes all over the country.

It was said that he had been invited to the Great hall of the people to make pies for national leaders. And the pan is taken from his home, just for this pie's authenticity. He made more than 800 pies in a total in three to four hours. I thought, Gaoxiaoshan ,why are your pies so delicious ? Does this not affect the meeting of the leaders ? That's a joke, but they're really famous.



Because I have no time to go to Niuzhuang to eat authentic pie, so once a time I go to the supermarket and saw the frozen Niuzhuang pie, so I think ,if I buy it and take home to make it myself , does it still taste good?the result is really good. It didn't disappoint me. Pictured above! let everyone appreciate it.

因为平时很忙,没有时间去趟牛庄吃回正宗的馅饼,一次我去超市,在超市里居然看到了冷冻的牛庄馅饼,于是想,买回去回家试试,看看好不好吃,结果还真的不错。没让我失望。 上图,让大家都欣赏下。
Then I did it again myself, feeling confident that I grasp the point of making pies.

一,Make dough. this is crucial for making better pie , first of all, pour cold water in the flour ,then stir it with chopsticks , the skin of the pie was shin and big enough to hold the filling , a layer of oil make the skin not dry, but also good, then put aside for 30 minutes.


二, Make stuffing, it is also very important, The filling of the pie is similar to the filling of the dumpling, vegetables in moderation, The proportion of fat and lean meat is 7:3. If it's pork, you can't add water.if is beef, you can add some water, because beef is not much fat , and not put too much oil in filling, if you put too much oil in the filling, it will be too fat, What I do today is chive stuffing, because leeks are easy to ripen, so I stir-fry the minced pork in the pan beforehand, and then mix with the leek and add some fresh shrimps. Don't cut it thin, If do that the shrimp doesn't taste good.

二. 做馅儿,这也是很重要的,馅儿做不好,饼就不好吃,而馅饼的馅儿的做法跟饺子的馅差不多,蔬菜要适量,肉那要7分瘦,3分肥,注意的如果是猪肉馅的就不能用水绞肉馅,因为那样馅会过稀,包的时候就不好包了,如果是牛肉的话,可以适当的加点水,因为牛肉本身没有多少肥肉。还有就是不要在馅里放太多的油,如果在馅里放入过多的油,吃的时候就会过于油腻,也不好吃。我今天做的是韭菜馅儿的,因为韭菜容易熟,所以,我把切碎的猪肉事先在锅里炒熟,然后和韭菜拌在一起,加点虾仁儿。虾仁我用的都是鲜虾,把他用开水抄了一下,然后把虾线挑出,在案板上一切两段,然后放入馅儿中。千万不要切稀碎,因为那样,就把虾的鲜味儿就没了。

三,Make pies, make small pieces of dough, and press the pancake with your hands. If you don't do well, dip your hands in the vegetable oil so that you don't stick to it. Put as much stuffing as you can and seal it like a bun. When burning, place the side of the seal on the bottom and press it with a shovel, so that it will be much better. After the "three or four flips", it was about 7-8 minutes ,the pie can be eaten. Put on a plate and eat! I'm not doing very well,but it's really delicious! Please enjoy it!

三. 制作馅饼,正常揪剂子,用手按平面饼,要是不好做的话,用手蘸点植物油,这样就不粘手了。尽量的多放馅儿,然后像做包子那样,封口。烙的时候,把封口的那一面放在底下,用铲子压平,这样就会好许多。经过“三翻四烙”后,大约烙7-8分钟看见馅饼由于热气的原因已经鼓起就可以出锅了。装入盘中,开吃!我做的卖相不太好,但是真的很好吃啊!鲜香爽口,我这都是吃完后,才拍的图,实在等不及了,呵呵,请欣赏!

Thank you for your appreciation. If you have any comments, please leave me a message below.


Last picture is the most yummiest :))

you are right!

looks delicious!!!!

yes,very delicious!

Look yuuummiiiiiii



drool yes please!!!