Berikut proses pembuatannya.
siapkan alat memasak dan masukkan air dan jagung parut dua buah.
tambahkan gula dan daun pandan, masak hingga mendidih.
masukkan kedalam gelas dan tambahkan sari kelapa
Tambahkan es serut dan susu kental manis.
es jagus siap disajikan.
! [image] ()
Here's the process of making it.
! [image] ()! [image] (
) prepare a cooking utensil and insert water and two grated corns.
! [image] ()! [image] (
) add sugar and pandan leaves, cook until boiling.
! [image] ()! [image] (
) insert into the glass and add the coconut juice
Add shaved ice and sweetened condensed milk.! [image] ()
! [image] () ice jagus is ready to be served.
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