Happy weekend my dear friend, wanna try Tong Sui or Chinese Sweet Soup, especially serve with some Bird Nest! Some of you may have never heard of it. It's a real Chinese sweet soup like egg drop soup in sweet version.
Commonly made with either red bean, mung bean or black bean with authentic tangerine flavor or you may find some folks add some coconut milk to it.
To me, adding some other ingredients, such as barley and wild rice is meant to get some more carbs and can eat as breakfast and replacing junk food in tea time or snack time.
I'm not breaking the Tong Sui rules if I cook that way, it just the way how i cook.
Reveal spoiler
My recipe.
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
1 cup of mung bean
3/4 cup dried lily bulb
1 small size white fungus
2 tbsp goji berries
1/2 cup barley
1/4 cup wild rice
Yellow or white rock sugar as need it
1/4 cup peanut-peeled the skin
Medium size of tangerine peel
1 1/2 liter of water
Soak the tangerine peel and white fungus until it's soft. Cut white fungus into a small chunk, and use a spoon to clean the soft part of the tangerine peel then cut wise length.
Using a strainer, rinse all the ingredient (accept for rock sugar) and bring to boil by using a slow cooker and set up the time for 2 to 2.5 hours. Or you can just boil as regular over low heat for that duration of time.
When it's 1/2 hours left, add the rock sugar as you prefer how much sweet do you like.
Serve with Bird Nest.
Looks interesting, does it taste good @lugina ?
Thanks for sharing. That’s so good for you.
yummy food
very tasty it seems
I want to taste your cooking @lugina
thank you for sharing your story about this very delicious food, hopefully your day is fun, please help me if there is time yes
yes, greetings friends
Bunda @lugina,kalau boleh saya tahu,ini resepnya memang dari bunda @lugina ya..?
Memang makanan traditional dan resep orang Cina, tapi lugina bikin kreasi sendiri dengan menambahkan bahan yg lain seperti karbohidrat dan protein lain(kacang tanah) biar perut kuat sampai makan siang juga kandungan nutrisi yg lebih mantap.
Ooo seperti itu y bunda @Lugina,saya salut sama bunda @lugina,selain smart dalam meng kreasikan makanan,bunda @lugina juga sangat memahami asupan gizi dalam makanan,,,bunda @lugina memang hebat,ibu ibu moderen punya hobbi dijamin keren hehee
I've heard that chinese sweet soup, but I've never tasted it.
Kl di kita mah bubur kacang, cuma kita hanya satu macam bahan aja. Kl mereka jarang pake santan dan tambah herbal juga ,,,
kalau saya di tambah herbal jadi kurang nafsu.
terima kasih
Ih enak Tau! Cobain deh ..
wah so fast pengen fast ya want to enjoy it tong sui china.
thanks for this very useful recipe @lugina
Wah kakak saya @lugina ..kakak benar2 tampil beda.. segala masakan bisa dimasak..bisa kalah tu koki internasional..hehe
Terlihat dari gambar nya saja..
Sup Manis Cina / Tong Sui versi kakak lugina ini bener2 beda dan nampak sedap.. Menurut saya sih pasti lebih enak dari sup ekor lembu di medan..hehe.
Luar biasa kakak ku.. sambil mengurus anak dan keluarga tetap bisa memasak masakan yang lezat lebih daripada restoran..
Semoga kakak Bahagia selalu ya..
Ohya kak..salam ya buat dek Adam..semoga dia tambah ganteng aja..
Salam hangat dari kami di Aceh :
@rijalaronaceh ...
Amiin, makasih. Adam tambah manja, maklum satu2nya anak kecil di rumah.
Wah.. Happy selalu ya bersama Adam..
Ohya..kakak ada bekerja di luar ? Kantor or dll ?
Adam anak satu-satunya ya kak ?
Kita doakan semoga di rumah tambah ramee ya..hehe..
Kelihatannya sangat segar dan sangat menggugah selera,boleh kah saya mencicipi sedikit hehehe , ,
the food is so good that surely @lugina want to fast fast want to try the recipe of his tong sui from you @lugina. thanks for this useful recipe @lugina.
this is very easy to see,thank you for sharing all the way.
It looks like you are a fan of Chinese culture and food. It looks very appetizing, and I'm sure it's delicious. Besides, I love coconut milk. It is very good to bake pancakes. Have you tried that?
Yep, my husband is Chinese and I cook Chinese food most. I did use coconut milk in cakes or pancake, too bad .. I stop bake now due to my husband allergic to egg, wheat ... I use subtitute for wheat flour but isn't as good as all purpose flour.
Sejenis jujur kacang hijau atau bubur kacang hijau mbak @lugina hehe... Menu sehat penambah semangat.
Dari gambar nya sangat lezat rasa nya, anda luar biasa kak @lugina tau betul soal makanan..
Terlihat dari gambar nya saja Sup manis Cina Tong Sui versi kakak @lugina ini benar-benar sedap
the healthiest soup that is looking really great :)
Hadeeuuhhh apalagi ini... Rasanya apa ya.... ???? Tapi tetep jempollllll....