I always wonder if my husband will eat rice paella. I know he has to think twice to eat some seafood. I did it anyway!
It turned out so well, the paella was really good and with a nice balance of ingredients with crispy texture to bite.
Prep Time: 15 minutes / Cook Time: 20 minutes
2 cups of Spanish rice - I use regular white rice
1 lb of jumbo shrimp-clean and dry it
1 lb of clam-any kind - clean
1 fresh calamari-clean and cut
3 fresh chicken sausages - break it small with fork
2 cups of chicken broth or seafood broth if you prefer
some chives for garnish - optional
1/8 of bourbon - optional
1/2 cup chopped onion - I use 1 tbsp onion powder
3 tbsp butter
1 1/2 teaspoon of saffron tread
1 teaspoon cayenne paper
A stem of fresh rosemary
2 tbsp tomato paste
Little pinch of turmeric powder - optional
Black pepper
Rosemary lemon sea salt or regular salt
Slowly heat and bring to boil the chicken broth, the saffron and bourbon, turn off the heat before it boils, then strain it.
In a nonstick frying pan, heat 2 tbsp butter and add the onion (if you are using fresh onion), If not, then just add the sausages and cook until it's brown. Add the rice (mostly they don't wash the rice but I do wash the rice first), stir it and add the hot chicken broth a little bit at the same time and wait until the rice absorbs the broth then add the broth again until there's no more broth.
Add all seasoning and mix well, then add the shrimp and calamari. When there's no more liquid, cover the frying pan and transfer into the oven over 350 degrees for 3 to 5 minutes to get a nice crispy texture on the bottom.
Meanwhile, place clams on the frying pan, add a tbsp of butter and some water (not too much, just enough to cover those clams), cover and bring to boil until all clams shells open up.
Arrange the cooked clams on top of the paella rice, sprinkle with some chives or parsley. Ready to eat.
Note: Add any vegetable you like. If you have a small kid then alcohol is not an option, I use bourbon because Adam allergic to seafood. So I have a little choice for his dad.
Thank you for passing by.
Really Yummy and Tasty SeaFood Rice and My Favourite Dish Rice 😍 It Looks very Good and Healthy, Thanks for sharing Recipe 😊
Sure, thanks.
Lucky for your husband, getting a wife like you hehehhehe.
yummy and easy cooking thanks for shearing.
upvote my post dear
Its perfect
Seafood Rice Paella Bisa jadi inspirasi bisnis baru nih kak @lugina
Yup, silahkan!!!
foods that make the tongue sway
Beautiful dish!
I see the photo you just share already wants to enjoy it. It feels like it's in front of the eye! hmmm good taste! certainly! But .. I am afraid to eat seafood for now .. although the cholesterol levels in my blood is still very normal .. my greetings from Aceh for you @lugina
thank you had share recipes @lugina. I will try to the family. I am very glad to see your post.
Woow l like seafood very delicious yummy
How are you friend
Woww,ini kelihatan sangat enak.
it's really amazing friends
Very good delicious seafood l like, yuummy
rice is very tasty, I really like this food
looks very delicious meal, thanks @lugina already share about this cuisine, good luck always my friend @lugina
What kind of food is this? It seems that I am interested in foods I have never seen in my country,
@lugina May I copy this recipe? I will try it at my house
It's a Spain dish ..
healthy and delicious food menu and how to make it very complete with various types of delicious spices, sister @lugina is great in making various types of food, I have finished words with brother @lugina, sister @lugina the best in making various types of food .
ini terlihat enak, izinkan saya ambil resepnya @lugina, saya akan mencobanya, mungkin saya akan membuka restoran resep ala kak @lugina, hehe
Incredibly appetizing! I like especially this juicy and seductive shrimp in the second photo.Mmm. I can imagine how delicious it is!
The second pict was just got out from the oven ,,,
I love shrimp! especially those big ones, they're delicious.
Wow..my friends @lugina.
You really are a very clever mother once cook. You can cook a variety of special foods that are extraordinarily delicious and delicious.
Your husband is very happy and very lucky to have a wife who is very good at cooking so that every day can always bring favorite foods and delicious for family.
Seafood Rice Paella that you cook looks very perfect very delicious and delicious I just saw it already hungry and want to try it soon.
Tomorrow I will ask my wife to cook her according to the recipe and how to cook that you have written.
Thank you very much my friend @lugina you have shared many knowledge and experience to make delicious and delicious food.
Hopefully your success is always successful always. I pray that your child is adam and your husband is healthy always, happy always .. and always successful.
Warm regard to you..
Your friends @rijalaronaceh ..
Amiiin, thank you for your pray..
I have never tasted rice paella, now I will try, because there is a recipe, thanks friends.
Makanan yang sangat enak kak @lugina, kak @lugina sangat pandai dalam memasak, selamat menikmati masakan yang enak dan kezat, dan semoga suami kakak dan keluarganya menyukai masakan kak @lugina
Kelihatan nya sangat enak, sukses buat @lugina
am very sure your husband will eat dishes that you cook with full sincerity for my beloved husband.
I am also grateful for the very detailed food recipes to presentation.
Because I really liked sifod, foods that are mandatory in try
Thanks you so much @lugina
Wow,,, sangat enak, makanan yang bergizi dan caranya membuatnyapun sangat sempurna, kakak lugina selalu memberikan postingan yang bermanfaat bagi kami, selamat dan sukses kak @lugina
Terimakasih kak lugina, atas menunya, masakan yang lezat dan nikmat, selamat mencicipi ya kak, semoga makanan tersebut bermanfaat bagi kakak dan keluarga kakak.
Oh .. my sister @lugina .
It's really great that your cuisine you make looks very delicious and delicious me as a woman really wants to cook like you and your husband is very happy he can eat his favorite food and he is always happy because you cook for him with his feelings and love .
You also have time to keep your child adam and provide special food for him you cook special ysng for your child and keep him from happening allergies.
You are incredibly perfect.
May happiness always be with you and your family altogether.
I send the best regard to you.
Wish blessing god Always for your family.
Thanks a lot..
if in add vegetables such as carrots and lettuce leaves will look more beautiful,
i love this recipe
Sepertinyan sungguh enak masakan nya @lugina Semoga menjadi chef handal bagi keluarga anda @lugina. Terimakasih atas resep yang anda bagikan agar kami juga bisa menikmati masakan masakan seperti anda,sekali lagi terima kasih @lugina.
As good as his cooking @lugina May be a reliable chef for your family @lugina. Thank you for the recipes you share so we can also enjoy cooking like you, thanks again @lugina.
masakan yang istimewa miss @lugina semoga bisa menjadi koki yang andal untuk keluargamu @lugina. Terima kasih atas resep yang Anda bagikan sehingga kami juga bisa menikmati masakan seperti Anda, terima kasih lagi @lugina
Seperti nasi goreng KK @luginah
Posts that attract friends, Chicken fried rice is definitely very delicious ...
I'm sure your husband would love it @lugina
I think your wife is really hungry when he see this food,because this food looking so delicious and have nice taste.
Who would not love to eat that you made it with love and joy and prepared it so deliciously :D
Nasi goreng adalah makanan kesukaan.
Wah,,, sepertinya sangat lezat masakannya ini kak @lugina. bagi dikit boleh...? 😊 Terima kasih kak @lugina atas postingannya.
wow its so yummy from the pics it is very delicious thanks for sharing the recipe
its looking fantastic sea food very nicely prepared hopefully everyone liked it and enjoyed this delicious dish
interesting dish i never tasted it but looks superb the presentation is nice and amazing
i tried it.. and it was soo much good . thanx lugina
it's really looking yummy
you are the perfect woman because you can cook, the recipes you share are very useful. thanks for sharing
sorry @lugina too late to enter :). thanks for the information how to make rice paella, i will try make it for my beloved mother later ..