Hi everyone! It's Mari. If you want to eat tasty Warabimochi in Kyoto, I recommend you to go to Gion-Komori. (What is Warabimochi ?) Its refined taste is completely different than the other Warabimochi like you can find in supermarkets and convenience stores. Because Gion-Komori using fastidious food ingredients such as 100% pure Warabi-powder!
Are you green tea (Matcha) lover? Do you know the difference of 緑茶 (Ryokucha) and 抹茶 (Matcha)? In English, sometimes both Ryokucha and Matcha are called ''Greentea'', but actually those two are a bit different🍵
Wikipedia links
So... In this picture, I'm drinking Matcha.🍵↓
According to the official site, Gion-Komori's Matcha is 柳桜園(Ryuouen)'s 綾の森(Ayano-mori). Ryuouen does not have a website. So here is a location of the store. google map It is good to buy a Kyoto trip souvenir. You can check pictures of shop and products here.
Cafe’s Name: ぎをん小森 (Gion-Komori)
Location: 〒605-0087 京都府京都市東山区 新橋通大和大路東入元吉町61
oh man i miss eating warabimochi, i had one in nara where I think there was the famous shop and the 2 men were pounding on the mochi haha
anyway i just looked through your steemit profile and saw that you just joined! Welcome to steemit and I hope you have fun showcasing your work, and life here! I'm always interested in visiting Japan and reading about Japan posts. I also think that there is a Japan/Japanese steemit community so maybe you might wanna contact them too!
´∀`)Hi @seanytan! Ohh... You like warabimochi (
Yes, I just joined steemit! Now I'm studying the system, and today I'm going to find Japanese community and good post of others. Thank you for commenting, I am really happy to know you. keep in touch~;)
Yes lets keep in touch! Happy to read more of your updates! :)
lovecatちゃんの記事、とっても可愛かったです 。:.゚ヽ(´∀`。)ノ゚.:。 ゜
また読みに行きますね。@lovecat ちゃん、こんにちはー!フォローありがとうございます。
@sakanachan 初めまして!わらび餅大好きなのですね!では、ここのはとってもおすすめです。私実はぎをん小森のわらび餅を食べるまで、わらび餅のことを軽く見ていたんですよ…笑(わらび餅ごめん) でもその考えが180度変わりました!ぜひ京都に行った際はトライしてみてください〜!お値段も普通の甘味処価格だし、パフェなども充実しているし、京都の人が羨ましくなります(^o^*)