Hey there,
I am Maria and I am a vegan foodie and blogger. I have an Instagram account called @maryles_plantry and a food blog called the-vegantwins-plantry.com. I try post may recipes regularly but its tough sometimes with so much going on here. So my steemit will not just be about recipes but maybe also about products Ive tried and experiences I made. Please join me on my journey!
Can I ask why You choose to be vegan ?
Of course you can! At first I wanted to go crueltyfree because of my love for animals and I researched brands that do and do not test on animals. Once I went crueltyfree it was jus logical for me to go vegan after having seen the facts and the cruelty and horrors of the agriculture industry the dairy and egg industry especially. And obviously the meat industry. I hope that explain ist
I ask becouse many people become vegan becouse it is popular nowdays. Just like anti gluten.
But yours answer is ok for me :D
Good luck and i will wait for vegan recipes from you :D
Ah thank you. Ive been vegan over two years now and its not because its popular! Haha it does make it a lot easier though with all the vegan products going mainstream
Welcome darling :) happy to see you here :)