Steamy Biff Brain
The cow's brain we usually cook with beef. But the cow's brain is a very delicate diet and good taste. So it is possible to serve differently, cook it separately. Its nutritional value is 100 percent intact. Let's see the ingredients and the recipe.
The cow's brain 1
Like the amount of water
2 tablespoons of vinegar
Salt according to your needs
2 table spoons of oil
Gourd pepper 1 pinch
Yellow 1 teaspoon
Lemon juice 2 table spoons
Ready Method:
First take four cups of water, add 2 table spoons of vinegar. Keep the brain in it for ten minutes. Then remove the thin screen of the brain. Add other elements described above with the brain in a pan. Boil for 15 minutes. Now slice the brain with a sharp knife. Serve with some vegetables (raw) with little watering.