I appreciate how you stated:
But current research shows that it is just as important to choose between natural foods low in sodium and at least two of the three powerful minerals: calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
I think that is one of the most overlooked aspects of blood pressure related health issues. The reason the industry has focused so much on sodium is because of a study from the early 1900s with a small sample size of only 6 participants. Later the salt myth came about in a study where they failed to control fructose consumption. There has been no significant link to sodium intake and heart health or blood pressure. Some studies had half of the participants consume higher amounts of sodium and half had a lowered intake. Within each of those groups the blood pressure displayed no significant changes. I do appreciate the mention of other minerals and would love to see more posts about that! The balance between sodium and potassium is what has been shown to have the largest impact on blood pressure.
Not having enough salt (not all salts are created equal!) can lead to a multitude of health issues such as nausea, loss of energy, muscle cramps or weakness, seizures, headache, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, kidney, hormonal health and more!