Klutuk Guava ( Jambu Klutuk) for treat many disease

in #food7 years ago

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Guava has latin name as Psidium Guajava. That plant is the tropic plant that come from Brazil, that was distributed in Indonesia through Thailand. Guava has the green fruits with white or red flesh of fruit. Their taste is acid and sweet. The guava known contains of many vitamins and fibers. So that, it is suitable consume to keep your health. The red flesh on guava indicates that guava rich of vitamin A to eye healthy and antioxidan.

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Guava was believed can use as treat the disease. That are the benefits of guava to treat the disease:

  1. Guava for medicine of mumps
  2. Guava for asthma
  3. Guava for cure of irritable colon
  4. Guava for cure of uric acid
  5. Guava for cure of cholesterol
  6. Guava for treat the diarrhea
  7. Guava for cure of flu
  8. Guava for toothache medicine
  9. Guava for streng the immune system
  10. Guava for drug of colitis
  11. Guava for diabetes medication
  12. Guava for medicine of hair loss
  13. Guava for treat acnes and ulcers
  14. Guava for fever medicine
  15. Guava for drugs of increase platelets
  16. Guava for lose weight
  17. Guava for overcome the smell of feminine areas

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Bagus untuk kesehatan.....

iya..banyak x mnfaatnya

Ya...... Sukses selalu...

woou tantos atributos que tiene esta fruta tan deliciosa y no lo sabia, que buena tu publicación @melyza; empezare a comer mas guayabas desde ahora!!