#2 My ketogenic journey continues

in #food7 years ago (edited)

We eat so much and know so little...


Back in 2016, after quitting a high-carb vegan diet and gaining afterwards over 13kg of body weight on a "regular diet", I started pretty fast a ketogenic diet and lost that weight within 3 month succesfully.

At the beginning I was very skepitcal, I read first the book called: "Life without bread: How a low carbohydrate diet can save your life" by Wolfgang Lutz. Im addition I read a lot on the internet and also watched many videos on that, because I feared to make my slightly fattend liver worse.


But everything went just fine, after 3 month allready I was back on my weight and started to add more carbs to my diet, getting on track with the paleo diet and with time more and more carbs found their way into my belly and all dietary advices faded away.

Now in 2018, just couple weeks back, I started the ketogenic diet again, but this time more consciously and with the goal of doing it long term, to make that shift from a diet to a lifestyle, at least I will try to do so.

Getting back into ketosis was pretty harsh this time, that's why I chose that picture, because it expresses how I felt the first days best. Cutting out the carbs, made me feel the first 3 to 5 days like an drug addict on cold-turkey, don't get me wrong, I was never on "hard" drugs, but I pretty much can imagine, that that's how it must feel like. For me it was like my brain swam in vinegar, like havn't slept in days, just drained of everything. Sounds great that "keto-flu", doesn't it?

But getting past that phase of carbohydrate detoxification, everything starts to change, my sleep got from one day to the other so "solid", I can now sleep right away, most of the time I don't have to get up in the night to pee and my sleep just feels deeper, more restorative, just solid!

But also during the day, my energy level is more "constant", I do not suffer from insulin spikes anymore, no more up and downs. Less hunger, less meals, smaller volume of meals, but therfore richer meals and after a meal I feel energized instead of being tired. I can now go much longer without a meal, now I have one big meal a day and one or two smaller ones.

In my main dish I try to combine fish, meat, eggs with vegetables and greens (salad and fresh herbs), but also some cheese and/or berrys and/or home made fermented cauliflower, it's like a small buffet, my smaller meals are mostly just nuts and seeds, sometimes avocados with salt and lemon juice, some eggs and/or a sausage or two.

During my workouts I noticed that I don't need as many and as long breaks between my sets and I also don't have the urge to yawn after every harder set, just having more endurance without having trained for it, good stuff! =)

And in general I feel better day by day, more focused, more clear headed and my impulsiveness got much softer, situations just don't anger me as fast and as hard as before anymore, now it is like sitting on the backseat of my mind, observing and noticing those situations, but without the impuls of getting upset about it. For me that's a highly interessting side-effect!

This week I also started to read: "Epi-paleo Rx: The Prescription for Disease Reversal and Optimal Health" by Dr. Jack Kruse and so far I can highly recommed it, for those who are also interessted in medical/biochemical processes of the ketogenic diet.

epi-paleo rx.jpg

I will continue here on my next post, about things that nobody talks about and much more!

Please keep in mind, that I am writing about my own life experiance, I am not saying that anybody should do the same, I am not recommending or advicing anything to anyone, it is more like a personal diary I want to share with you and as you have guessed by now, english is not my native language, but I am trying!

I thank you so much for your time and patience!



https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/537625.Life_Without_Bread https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19221645-epi-paleo-rx?from_search=true


Thanks for the update. I first did a Keto diet way back in the late 1990's after I read a book called 'The Cave Man Diet'. Combined with exercise, after just about 7 weeks I was very lean and strong and fit! I really was amazed by the results.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, sometimes it's quite difficult to stay committed to a physical fitness plan.

after learning the basics I started to make my own plans, now I have my core exercices and the side exercices I vary as I please

Thank you, I have been experimenting with a paleo diet, and to read someone share their own experiences is inspiring, and helpful. I wish you best of luck!

thank u and keep tuned! I will go on, if u like it or not! =)