Just one more sip..

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Coffee flows through my veins every morning at 7am
As soon as I hear the little voices of my minions I take a deep breath and take in the smell of coffee flowing through my house
Stiff back and messy hair I get up to say good morning to my guys
Shuffling through the hall into the dining room and into the kitchen..
My coffee is calling me but first I must pour milk and cereal..
Shuffle shuffle to the table with bowls of cereal for my hungry men..
Every breath I take in I smell the roasted beans and smooth smell of awakening..
boys are eating now it’s just you and me..
I pour you into my favorite cup, add just a little bit of sugar and a splash of milk just to cool you down so I can enjoy every bit of you..
one cup.. two cup.. three..
I truly enjoy our time together.. I’ll see you again in the am image