in #food7 years ago

Hi Steemians today I tell you about a mircle tree which is in my country in Pakistan and want to show you benefits of this tree.

Moringa Oliefer

Moringa oliefera genus moringa and family moringecae. It present in all countries of world and mostly found in Pakistan and India. It is very fame due to it's nutritional value. It produce seed which source of oil and name of that oil is ben oil. hight of this tree is 8 meters aproximately. In Pakistan it known with the name of "Sohanjana" or "sanjana". In Pakistan this tree mostl found in southern Punjab.



Moringa in Pakistan and it's Importance

It's most found in southern Punjab in Pakistan. This tree can be grow at any type of soil and can resist harsh climate i.e. temperature and tropical. U.K and USA making lots of herbals medicines by using of moring plant, but it's orgin is Pakistan but Pakistan less working about this benificial tree than USA and U.K. Good and favourable climate for the growing of moringa tree in Pakistan.

Benefits of Moringa Oliefera

it's leaves rich of nurtrients and its leaves have hormones like cytokinins, auxins, and zeatin in much quantity.

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Good soource of Ca, Mg and Zn in excess quantity


Source of oil which known as Ben oil. it's very costly oil in international market. Best lubricative oil among the all
world. Shelf life of this oil is many years, so it use in others oils to increas their shelf life.

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Recently biofuel also is preparing from moringa.


Also can use for agro-forestry, many courntries using it for growth of field crops and taking benefits from this tree.
It can use for the pests and killed some pests, so we also use it as bio-pesticide.


Naturally Curing By Moringa Oliefera
Moringa tree cure many diseases naturally.

Good for skin problems


Use to cure skin infection


Use as medicine for stomach problems


Enhanced immunity


Cure of many diseases like fever, headach, asthma, nervous disorder.


Cure of headache

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  1. It's seeds can be used for the water purification

Use to prevent form nervous disorder


I hope you like my post and use moringa in your life because it's benifits.

Thank You
(Sources of Images)

http://pakagrifarming.blogspot.com/2013/01/introduction-to-moringa-oleifera.html https://www.pexels.com/photo/nature-water-blue-abstract-67843/ https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=nervous+system&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHydSuoPHYAhWCL1AKHUepAccQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=745#imgrc=8jPkgyad5szX4M: https://www.google.com.pk/search?biw=1600&bih=745&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=jdNoWuuqNofTwALdn5mwDA&q=leaves+of+moringa+oleifera&oq=Leaves+of+moringa&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i24k1l2.887115.901564.0.903025.