Bread material:
- 250g wheat flour prot.tinggi (chakra)
- 50g flour prot moderate (triangle)
- 40g sugar
+1 whole egg - 6g fermipan
+1/2 tsp bread improver (extra dr me, can be flip) - 135ml water / cold liquid milk {pour slowly aja ya}
- 40g margarine
- 5g salt
- Mix all ingredients except salt, mixer until smooth
- Insert salt lg mixer until elastic kalis
- Round dough, cover with wet napkin
- Allow to expand 2x fold
- Kempis kan batter gilas then weigh (50g)
- Form according to taste, give the stuffing, keep it quiet until fluffy
{me 45min) - Oles dg liquid milk, baked 25 minutes or appropriate oven yes
- Once cooked matured again with butter
Good luck Thank.
Sweet little ones :-) thanks for detailed recipe. 👍 up from me.