I think that there are tools to renormalize ourselves into being able fulfill a healthy intuit. However, I think that the thing that makes intuitive eating, if not living sort of difficult is that our individual histories have quietly conditioned us ~ ~ ~ I grew up on frozen lasagna and I remember having my Italian friend mom's homemade lasagna one night and I was disappointed because I preferred my frozen lasagna so much more... Crazy, right???Researchers have shown that this preference for seeking a habitualized normalcy due to a subjective personal history is wide-spread.
What I most agree with in your article is that we must listen to our intuition when it comes to satiety (feeling full)
I think that no matter what diet ~ non-diet or in between one decides ~ they should always eat until comfortably full. I also believe that strong scientific studies are really starting to add up one after another to make a strong evidence based case for at least limiting certain food groups. My favorite website that presents the latest nutrition research in short videos and articles is www.nutritionfacts.org
Thanks, MUM
Wow, I so appreciate this dialogue. I agree as well! There is an excellent book called First Bite that talks about how our eating habits are constructed and influenced over time. (on an individual and species level) I'm heading over to the website you mentioned now! Sending you light.
Thanks @danigirl I am following you now ~!~ <3 @mummedia