Here are 3 Popular Foods in Aceh

in #food7 years ago

Chicken Catch

Chicken fried with a variety of spices and herbs, such as temurui leaves, onion, garlic and green chili. Usually served with warm soy sauce and rice. The price per package is Rp 60,000 per head. Usual for 4-5 people

Mie Aceh

Noodles are cooked with a variety of spices that inspire appetite. Usually offered with a variety of contents such as crab, squid, shrimp or mushrooms. Price per portion from Rp 12.000 per plate

Satay Mature

The satay is famous for its tender flesh, its tasty charcoal and its tasty bean spice. We can taste the deliciousness of this satay in REX, Peunayong at Rp 20,000 per serving.
