No! I had to Youtube them. I like more popular rap music and of course my local classics. I don't really listen to much rap though.
Do you know how to transfer money on Steemit? Just send 1 SBD to @dustsweeper.
I guess I have done a little edjewmacating for ya here on Steemit. lol
LOL the only thing I know is that @mysearchisover is hilarious af, but not persuasive enough;)
You MUST sign up for @dustsweeper if you want my precious upvotes to count for you!!!
#tryingharder lol
#youjustlikebeingdifficult ;) lol
HAHAHHAHA yours hashtags are the 💣 tho.
So i have to pay you for you to pay me back so it evens out in the end? LOL
were already even bro;)
but since you like Trump a lot, I'm not sure if this is a secret tactic to get what you want;)
Yep. #skills lol
You don't like upvotes? 😲
So when are you coming to visit? ✈😉lol