A few days ago I was looking through some stuff and found a banana muffins recipe. I never made muffins before, and haven't done anything sweet in a while, so I decided to make them. The recipe looked quite interesting, and it also didn't have too much calories. They were among 4 other foods, that you can have for a healthy breakfast, but in my case, they were meant for dinner. 🍪🌼😸
It is easy and fast to make them, so if anyone has the wish to try them, here is the whole recipe.
The ingredients:
- 150 g (5,291 oz) oatmeal
- 50 g (1,764 oz) ground almonds
- one loaf of a bitter cacao
- 2 bananas
- 1 plain yogurt
- 1 apple
- 2 egg whites
I had only one apple and this picture was taken after I baked the muffins, so ... 😋
Since I only made muffins for me and my boyfriend, I cut the ingredients in half, so each of us got a smaller portion. Because even though it's a healthier snack, the amount of calories is still not that small. I also didn't have any almonds, but it still worked out nicely without them as I expected.
The process:
Before you start mixing things together, let the oven heat up to 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit).
You need two dishes. In one dish mix the wet ingredients (mash the bananas and grind the apple without the peel, add yogurt and egg whites) and in another one mix the dry ingredients (oatmeal, almonds, cacao). After that, mix both contents of the dishes together.
Pour the mixed ingredients into the muffin baking tray and bake them for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
It's ready, now quick into the oven. 😁😁😁
I baked the muffins without the paper muffin cases, because I haven't bought them yet, so they were a little different as they would be, but the important thing is that they were still good.
✔ They are finished. ✔
😎 One more close-up. 😊
Have fun and Bon appetit.

Now you have my attention. Yummy.