Udeung acid is a traditional menu of Aceh from generation to generation from NekTu
Shrimps are small, 1/4 kilo. Clean and cook in a frying pan with little water and salt. Lift when it is red in color.
- Green and red cayenne pepper 10 seeds (depending on taste)
- Onion 6 cloves
- Carambola fruit 7 pieces, large and half-ripe-seeded because it can be bitter, the number of starfruit is according to taste. Depending on the number of shrimp
Citrus leaves, thinly sliced
Lemongrass, white part sliced thinlLime juice one spoon
Salt and sugar.
Prepare the cobek. Puree onion, chili, shrimp, starfruit until smooth and mixed.
Add sugar (a little), Salt (to taste) Add slices of lemongrass and lime leaves. stir again ... ..
Ready to serve
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