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Long before it was found that passion-enhancing drugs, such as Viagra and the like, human history noted several types of food and beverages believed to boost sex drive, asparagus, coffee, and ginseng. In fact, there is a passionate snack snack that needs to be tried.
Ritual sex is an enjoyable time for all couples. A quick kiss or a little swab at the nape is enough to burn libido or passionate fire to make love. However, when it becomes a routine, it could be a comment will appear,
If it were so, all couples would need to be more creative to explore the power of his imagination. Trying different styles of kamasutra-style lovemaking can be very challenging and exciting. Maybe it's a workable solution, but "strange style" is not impossible to trigger a problem.
There are simpler ways but no less powerful effect, namely choosing some type of food or beverages that can boost sexual arousal. Asparagus, red chili, chocolate, coffee, ginkgo, ginseng, and oysters are believed to be a natural viagra to increase the rate of arousal and libido.
Here's the full description:
- Asparagus
This particular vegetable is proven to be a potential supplier of vitamin E. Vitamin E is often associated with increased production of sex hormones. In addition to delicious processed into a variety of cuisine, asparagus also has a very good nutritional content. In addition to vitamin E, asparagus also contains minerals, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D.
These vegetables are low in calories, well consumed for those of you who are on diet therapy. The fiber content is very high. Fiber in asparagus is able to bind cancer-causing carcinogens, also helps smooth the body's digestive process, so you are free from constipation disorders or constipation.
Several scientific institutions have conducted clinical trials of asparagus. Proven vegetables are able to increase male fertility. The content of amino acid asparagines stimulates the kidneys to throw away the rest of the body's metabolism. Other active substances are believed to improve blood circulation and help release fat deposits in blood vessel walls. Very well consumed by those with acne, suffering from eczema, and suffering from kidney and prostate disorders.
The best way to cook asparagus is by steaming it so that the taste and vitamins are not lost. Be careful, do not cook too long for it does not turn into bitter. Before cooking, wash it first under running water, then break the hard bottom.
2.Red Chili
It could be a red chili flavor is a fitting analogy to describe a libido that is always burning or hot. Rich with capsaicin content, which is a chemical compound that mempu provide positive stimulation on the work of nerves so as to improve the work of blood flow and reduce pain in the joints.
In 1997, Dr. Michael Catherine, US scientist from the Department of Cell Pharmacology and Molecular University of California, San Francisco, examined the chemical content of chili called capsaicin. Research connects the spicy flavor of chili with increased arousal due to capsaicin stimulant.
Although useful to boost libido, chili consumption should be limited, especially for those who have problems with digestion, stomach, and intestinal disorders. Take advantage of chili in the form of chili sauce mixed with fresh vegetables or tomatoes.
It has long been identified as a snack snack that can increase arousal and libido, both male and female. The reason, because chocolate contains phenylethylamine, natural compounds antidepresi and andrenalin stimulant which is often called the "molecule of love".
Chocolate is known by fans more "fun" than the most hot kiss though. Studies conducted by British researchers believe one thing, to let the chocolate melt in the mouth proved to increase heart rate and more boost passion than kissing. This conclusion is expressed by David Lewis, a psychologist from The Mind Lab of America.
The study involved 12 volunteers with the age range of 25s. They were asked to wear heart monitors and electrodes mounted on the head, to measure heart rate and brain activity. The researchers then analyzed the results of recording of brain activity and heartbeat volunteers.
The result, a lustful kiss though can not match the passion obtained when chocolate melts in the mouth. The stimuli created when chocolate melts in the mouth proved to send sensors to all areas of the brain far more intense than the sensations that arise when kissing.
The study of dark chocolate and sexual arousal has also been done by Dr. Andrea Salonia. In a meeting of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, late last year, Italian researchers claimed that chocolate could make mood more fulfilled because it is predicted to contain more than 300 chemical substances, including caffeine in small quantities, terobomin and phenylethylamine (stimulants associated with amphetamine) , which proved to increase sexual interest and function.
Everyone knows, original coffee contains high caffeine. Use in limited quantities, (no more than two cups a day) caffeine is also associated with sexual arousal and energy.
Researchers from Southwestern University, Texas, USA, revealed that coffee can boost female libido. To get that benefit, you do not need to be a coffee addict. For some people who can not stand the effects of caffeine coffee, it is advisable to choose a coffee type cappuccino or mocha. If you like, add a little milk or honey.
5.Ginkgo biloba
This one herb is very popular and is often associated with its ability to improve memory. Particularly in sex life, ginkgo acts as an antidepressant or makes it so relaxing.
Ginkgo has the ability to increase blood flow to help maintain a perfect erection. According to the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, a study involving a number of impotent men, that the consumption of ginkgo biloba showed a positive effect after six weeks. After six months, half of the respondents got their erections back.
In general, the use of ginkgo in the form of extracts to be used as a mixture of warm drink ingredients or other ingredients. Ginkgo extract can be obtained at traditional drugstore and sinse.
Almost the same as ginkgo, this rhizome herb is a tonic for the body to produce nitric oxide, a key compound in the process of erection. There are three types of ginseng, namely ginseng china or korea called ginseng asia (Panax ginseng); American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and Siberian ginseng (E. senicosus).
The Chinese believe that ginseng has the power to boost immunity, increase sexual arousal, brain function, increase energy, vitality, and stamina. Ginseng also facilitates the flow of blood circulation. Ginseng is available in the form of tea that can be taken with milk, sugar, honey, or juice mixture.
It could be this kind of seafood (seafood) that deserve to be called a passionate snack or sensual snack. Among the wider community, oysters have long been known as male enhancer libido.
High zinc content can increase the production of sperm and testosterone hormones in the male body. Not only that, oysters also contain dopamine, a hormone that will encourage sexual satisfaction.
How to cook: wash and clean oyster shells from various impurities with running water. Take out the contents and place it on the ice. If you like, can sprinkle a little lemon juice. Oysters were ready to be enjoyed. If you do not like it in raw form, the oyster can be boiled or steamed.
Aztecs call the avocado tree Ahuacatl or 'testicle tree'. In addition to the shape of avocado avian avian folic acid that helps metabolism and provide energy supply. It also contains vitamin B 6 (which triggers male horman production) and potassium (which stimulates the female thyroid gland). Both of these substances are very good as a trigger sex drive men and women. The content in avocado has been proven to make the blood circulation becomes smooth. When the blood circulation smoothly, the heart becomes healthy. The sexual organs become healthy and function properly.
The minerals contained in almonds are high in zinc. Zinc can trigger a person's libido.
Strawberries can make the number of male sperm to increase. The content of folic acid in it can also help women perform labor.
Food sources from the ocean are also the triggers of the best libido. Omega 3 content in it can make the heart and blood circulation more healthy.
Arugula foliage has always been believed to be a good libido trigger. Arugula has a good antioxidant, so it can prevent toxins that cause damage to the sexual organs.
13.Figs / fig / loa
Figs have a content that can make the female body, especially in the buttocks become more beautiful. Fiber in the fruit is also beneficial to fertilize one's reproductive system.
14.Citrus citrus
The content of vitamin C in the citron is very high that makes health awake. Not only that, vitamin C in citrus citrus can also make the male reproductive organs more healthy.
Purwoceng is one of the traditional medicinal plants known to be efficacious as a powerful drug of the men. Therefore, Purwoceng also got the title 'Java Viagra'.
When thinking about sex, this celery vegetable may not come to your mind. However, celery has a great ability to stimulate sex drive. This is mainly caused if the content of ndrosterone hormone is not berbaiuyang usually produced by men and able to make women aroused. Best if the celery is eaten raw or fresh as a lalp or mixed salad.
17.Mango and Peach
Both types of fruit has a beautiful and sexy shape. You can play with these fruits (which have been cleansed and cut off) as an opening or stimulating meal before sex. It also tastes sweet and sour sweet.
Although not the most sensual food, eggs contain lots of vitamin B6 and B5 that can trigger hormone production and reduce stress. Both of these are very important for a healthy libido. Eggs also symbolize birth and new life.
Bananas contain bromelain enzymes, which are believed to trigger libido and cure male impotence. Also contains potassium and B vitamins that can provide energy supplies.
The liver is very rich in glutamine which is very good for the immune system. The liver can stimulate or decrease libido.
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