Hi there steemians,,,,,,,How to prepare a(( jelly cake ))

in #food7 years ago

Hey, friends, this is @nana2018

                                         How to prepare a jelly cake

! Cake Ingredients:

*    2 cups flour_____

*   Cup and a quarter of sugar____

*   Baku Becking Powder____          

*   3 eggs____

*  Vanilla___

*  A cup of lamb____

*  Jelly Strawberry___


! How to prepare

((1))  Place the liquid ingredients and hit the electric bat and add dry ingredients

((2))  Bake the cake with the oven and when you are working, we will work in the same Chinese cake and enter the refrigerator froze and put on top of the cake and enter the refrigerator

_________THANKS MY FRIENDS___________


This looks appetizing! Yummy!