How to Make Your Own Tasty Homemade Bread, Easily and Cheaply

in #food8 years ago

Have you ever think about your own bread? Have you ever made it or did you try?

The actual truth is that the bread you buy in the supermarket has the texture and substance that it has for one reason and one reason alone: so that it can be made on an industrial scale and not grow “old” on the shelf at your supermarket.
Homemade bread is substantially tastier than store-purchased bread, isn’t laden with preservatives, is very inexpensive to make, and doesn’t take all that much time, either.

Homemade bread

Today, I would like to share with you how I made my first bread which looks so delicious!


To my baking, I used a bread maker which looks like this:



300 ml milk or water
600 gr of floor
4 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp of salt
1 yeast

Each of ingredients into forms. Turn on bread maker, set properly program and .. that's all!
After ~ 3 hours, we should have our and delicious own bread :)

Below you can see the following stages of baking bread.

phase I of my bread

phase II of my bread


And the latest phase of baking bread!


What do you think about this idea? Have you ever try making your homemade bread?


Wow..It looks amazing.
Hope it takes better than what we buy from outside.
I must definitely try this on weekends .it would be a new experience all together.
Is it possible to use both milk and water to make it

I really recommend you :) Regarding milk and water... I admit I don't try mix milk and water together.But when you use only milk, you receive more sweet bread like braided sweet white bread :) When you use only water, your bread will be pound :)

Thanks for the recipie

I did try to make pizza with rice cooker a month ago. Pretty cool! But then I bought my own oven to save time :)

Thanks Paula, I'll try this out tonight! :D

you welcome :)

There goes my keto week! Made me think of sourdough bread. That's what I'm craving, got any walk through pics of a good San Franciscan punchy sourdough!? Thanks for breaking my diet !

hihi oh come on! Diet is for the weak :P

That look pretty delicious
Will surely give a try.

very interesting equipment

This seems actually nice, I don't own a bread machine like that, but I'm interested in getting better at baking bread :) I had some posts about baking earlier too, but I haven't baked for a while now.

MMMM, might actually try this out lol...i just made a similar how to if you are ever in the mood for blueberry infused vodka with your bread ...

Seems really tasty! Yummy yummy! =)