same farm, completely different

in #food7 years ago


same farm, completely different. see the five or four digit code at the bottom? the four digit code indicates the cucumber is "conventional" or grown using pesticides. the five digit number beginning with a 9 indicates the cucumber is organic. i'll explain more in a moment, but the most interesting thing to me about this is how different they taste. the convention cucumber tastes like chemicals to me. i'm surprised because i haven't bought a conventional cucumber in years, so i had no idea how obvious the pesticide taste was. maybe it's because my palate has changed from years of going organic. idk, but i taste it and it's not good 😣

i know going organic can seem daunting and expensive, but it isn't as hard as you think. make a few sacrifices here and there, and you can swing an improvement on almost any budget. you don't have to switch everything up. take baby steps. a good place to start is with the dirty dozen. the following twelve produce are the worst offenders:

strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, celery, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, and potatoes.

unfortunately washing, soaking, or peeling them won't help either. the pesticides for these have permeated the produce.

anyhow, dirty dozen is a good place to start 👌🏼 look it up and learn more. those 12 should not even be an option if you have little ones. just thinking of how many conventional apples, grapes and strawberries are eaten every day by developing children makes me sad.

lastly, get to know your produce codes. it's the easiest way to know what you are buying. and whatever you do, stay away from anything starting with an 8. that means it's genetically modified. which means it's been dosed with a super toxic dose of pesticides.



Wow, wished I had seen this in time to Up-Vote it!
Dirty Dozen, I will now do better! I buy lots of produce, and sometimes I can taste a "chemical taint" yuk :P

amazing! glad that helped :) your comment about in time for up-voting makes me realize how badly i need to learn the rules for success on steem. i'm too out of the loop. shame on me 🙈

Very Few 'rules' but there are some community standards to follow for maximum enjoyment! :D

Dang, thanks for the primer on product codes, good work!

thank you! 🙏🏼

Great! im so into the dirty dozen list! well...into avoiding them, around here organic food id super expensive so i buy only the dirty dozen organic :-), great post

thanks! yah this def varies depending on the part of the world you are in. visiting Canada at the moment and it's def different than California :)