in #food7 years ago

Today I shall be presenting to you my best fruit "PAW PAW"" and some of it's health benefits..

PAW PAW is generally one of the best fruits, this is because every part of the fruit is useful, ranging from the root, the stem bark, the leaves which contain a whole lots of nutrients, the unripe fruit used as meat tenderizer and it's paste for skin care products. the latex in the unripe Pawpaw is also used in producing chewing gums. The seeds are not left out..

However, in this post, I am only going to be talking about the RIPE PAW PAW.


Wow! Little wonder Christopher Columbus called it "FRUIT OF THE ANGEL'S " this could be the best way to describe a fruit with such delicious taste and super nutrients embedded in it.


Ripe PAW PAW has powerful antioxidant effects. Which helps destroy harmful bacteria and renders the body system disease free. Also ripe Pawpaw has been reported to contain some anti cancerous properties which makes it a unique fruit for cancer patients. This anti cancerous properties is derived from the high level of antioxidants present in Pawpaw..


RIPE PAW PAW contains a whole lots of nutrients and minerals needed by our body on daily basis . Some of which are : Carotenes (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, , the B Vitamins, Folate, potassium, copper, Magnessium as well as fiber.

Certainly, the health benefits of Ripe Pawpaw can not be over emphasized. Now listen!

Do you have constipation or want to prevent it? Take some slices of RIPE PAW PAW, the fiber contents will take care of that.

Do you desire a healthy skin? include Pawpaw in your food menu, The vitamin E in Pawpaw is a good skin care product .

For improved vision, vitamin A in Pawpaw does the magic,

For asthma, the risk is lowered with PAW PAW due to its beta Carotenes content.

For cancer among younger people, food Rich in beta Carotene may play a protective role against tumor growth.

For diabetes, in type 1 the high Fiber content in Pawpaw could reduce blood glucose levels.. And in type ii, eating ripe PAW PAW may improve the blood insulin level.

In Digestion., the enzyme called papain which is present in Pawpaw can help a great deal..

In heart disease, the potassium, fiber and vitamins found in this great fruit all help in keeping our hearts healthy.

I can go on and on..... Like I said earlier, the benefits of eating Ripe PAW PAW can not be over emphasized. That's why it remains my best fruits.

Please when next you see that beautiful fruit dont just pass by, pick one or two because you and your family need it, if not for the delicious taste, you need it for the nutrients in it..




Please read, upvote and follow me for more posts on food health and nutrition..


I know it is good for the skin and helps in vision but didn't know it reduces blood glucose levels, helps in digestion and also heart related issues. I guess I have to start to force myself to take it. Thanks for this healthy tips . That's why I love Steemit, you learn everyday. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing about your favorite fruit. I have had dried papaya before but never the fresh fruit. Now I'm really looking forward to trying it out. I really enjoy any food that is both tasty and healthy for you.

Thanks for reading.

I promise you will like the fresh ripe PAW PAW
Thanks for reading

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