This is amazing. It truly is a lesson in abundance. Love what you're doing and what you stand for.
Restaurants have so much food left over at the end of each day that they are not legally allowed to distribute to the hungry. Instead, they must throw it out. Would be amazing to have an under-the-radar service that picks up that food and redistributes it to those in need.
Hey Neil, thanks for the support. Actually working with a initiative here in Gothenburg that gathers the things the stores aren't able to sell and place them in open fridges around town. It's called "Solidary Fridge (Soildarisk Kyl)" and could probably work with restaurants as well. But not sure about the laws here either regarding that...
so unbelievable what they throw out, perfectly good kai (food)I love this @reko , we have a few of those fridges around New Zealand. Also tonnes of people like you guys collecting food from the wasteful supermarkets & using it for food parcels. It is
plsce bro vote me
That's true words, in my opinion everything which is leftover with restaurants should be distributed to the needy people with respect and we are human beings and in my opinion we don't need any special permission to distribute it because it's the duty to distribute it instead of throwing.
Have a great day and stay blessed.