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RE: Dinner. But Not As You Know It. [Vegan Message Inside!]

in #food7 years ago

Hey Delish! It's good to have you spamming me again.

This was a bit of a lazy post with words I had expressed quite some time ago, but I'm glad it had an impact, even it was to just remind you of how awesome you are.

May I ask when you went vegan? My veganniversary was at the end of 2012 (November-ish).



I have not become an official vegetarian yet; but it’s been about 6 mounths that I’m decreasing meat in my meal week by week. I hope I will make it by summer.

Good for you! Your health will improve (even if you thought you were healthy) and you'll have so much energy.

Congrats on making such a positive move in your life.


Hey Nick! Thank you for coming back to me :)

Wow! Well done you!!

I'm a newbie in comparison to you! :) My veganniversary was at the beginning of Feb last year :)

Tschuus :)

Woo hoo! Congrats.. veganniversaries are awesome.