I stopped eating flesh about twenty years ago. It's served its purpose. Just as the gluten-free, raw-veganism, fruitarianism and all the other group-think I followed. I was dedicated, and convinced yet still denying myself the experience of healing from deeper wounds. The opening deeper wounds reminded me how use my own alchemy. The alchemy I'm referring to is self reflection. Today, I'm focused unlearning, rethinking and breaking down fear programming of this world. The alchemy of our thinking can upgrade or downgrade our DNA. There's a program, a vibration that influences our health and lifestyle. Before our knowledge of something, like vegan, paleo or anything group-think can shape our health too. We can choose to accept or deny the any programming and thrive.
Thats real. It really is a powerful thing to be able to just sit with yourself if only for a little while. There are so many distractions out here it's kind of hard to look at me outside of the scope of others sometimes, but it really is something that needs to be done. Great post.