Dessert of Young Coconut with Nata De Coco, Chia Seeds, and Lime

in #food7 years ago


[ENG] Today makes fresh dessert again after a day of consuming spicy and fatty foods.

[IND] Hari ini membuat makanan penutup segar lagi setelah mengkonsumsi makanan pedas dan berlemak.

Happy Saturday Stemians!


I really like it ,,Thats is so loking sop beautiful Very good Dessert of Young Coconut with Nata De Coco, Chia Seeds, and Lime
photography ,,,I appreciate your post,,,,Thank you for sharing with us.....

Thankyou for your comment 😄

welcome friend and please visit my blog @molikhatun may be you like this..

nice desert cocok untuk kondisi cuaca yang panas

Iya cocok sekali utk menghilangkan dahaga 😄

wahhh .. jadi ngiler ni...
mantap sobat,, teruslah berkarya..

Terima kasih, terus berkarya juga utk kamu 😊

HuUu enaknya ... Seger banget

Iy kk segar bngettt, mkasi kk 😄