Hallo sahabat stemians, saya mau berbagi resep cara membuat tumis brokoli udang yang mengandung banyak vitamin dan sayur-sayuran.
Hello stemians, I want to share recipes how to make sauteed shrimp broccoli that contain lots of vitamins and vegetables.
Berikut resep cara membuat tumis brokoli udang : 👇
Here's a recipe for making shrimp broccoli: 👇
*Bahan-bahan :
-1 buah brokoli
-1 buah wortel
-1 buah kentang
-5 buah buncis
-1ons udang
-1/2 bawang bombay (cincang kasar)
-1 buah tomat
-Garam sesuai selera
-Minyak untuk menumis
-Air secukupnya
*Ingredients :
-1 pieces of broccoli
-1 carrots
-1 pieces of potatoes
-5 beans
-1ounce of shrimp
-1/2 onions (roughly chopped)
-1 tomatoes
-Gary according to taste
-Oil for sauteing
-Enough water
*Bumbu Halus :
-4 siung bawang merah
-2 siung bawang putih
-3 buah cabe merah
-1sdt lada
*Ground spices :
-4 cloves of red onion
-2 cloves of garlic
-3 pieces of red chili
-1sdt pepper
*Cara Membuat :
- Cuci bersih semua sayuran lalu potong sesuai selera
- Tumis bawang bombay sampai harum, lalu masukkan udang yang sudah dibersihkan
*How to make :
- Wash all vegetables and cut them according to taste
- Saute the onions until fragrant, then enter the shrimp that have been cleaned
3.Kemudian masukkan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan, tambahkan sedikit air dan masukkan kentang dan wortel. Tunggu sampai kentang dan wortel empuk
4.Tambahkan buncis dan brokoli, masukkan garam. Koreksi rasa
3.Then put the spices that have been mashed, add a little water and put the potatoes and carrots. Wait until the potatoes and carrots are tender
4.Add beans and broccoli, add salt. Correction of flavors
5.Masukkan irisan tomat segar, bila semua sudah empuk tumis brokoli udang siap untuk disajikan.
5.Enter fresh tomato slices, when all the already tender sauteed broccoli shrimp ready to serve.
Thank you for viewing :)
What exquisiteness to try at home for children
Hallo @jrcarced, i will soon make a recipe for food that will be liked by children. I hope you keep following my post
Looks very tasty!
Thankyou @moneybags
hidangan yang special...!!!
Hihi iya ni , terimakasih @amuchtar
Sangat lezat sepertinya
Pastinyaa :) @barvon
Ooh delicious and healthy
waw thank you @rizaldamti
A lot of vegetables. Are they for kids?
No, it's spicy @king1527